
Sunday, 20 December 2015

Essex Archaeology and History. Third Series. Vols. 21-30. Index (Aa - Ax)

Published here online for the first time, this is the Index of the Transactions of the Essex Society for Archaeology and History (until 1985, the Essex Archaeological Society).  Contact us for more information.


AA                   anti-aircraft (artillery)                                             Leics                      Leicestershire
b                             born                                                                            LIA                        Late Iron Age
Beds                      Bedfordshire                                                             Lines                      Lincolnshire
Berks                     Berkshire                                                                   LBA                       Late (or later) Bronze Age
bldg                        building                                                                      Loth                       Lothian
Bucks                    Buckinghamshire                                                     LPRIA                   Later pre-Roman Iron Age
Cambs                  Cambridgeshire                                                        Middx                   Middlesex
cat.                         catalogue                                                                   MPRIA                 Middle pre-Roman Iron Age
cent.                       century                                                                       N                            North
d                             died                                                                             Northants             Northamptonshire
E                             East                                                                            Northumb             Northumberland
EBA                       Early Bronze Age                                                     Notts                      Nottinghamshire
ELoth                    East Lothian                                                             obit.                       obituary
EIA                        Early Iron Age                                                          Oxon                     Oxfordshire
EPRIA                   Early pre-Roman Iron Age                                    pass.                      possible
Flints                      Flintshire                                                                    prob.                      probable
GHQ                      General Headquarters                                            Rox                        Roxburghshire
Glam                     Glamorgan                                                                s                 South
Glos                       Gloucestershire                                                         Shrops                   Shropshire
gp                           group (i.e. of pottery)                                              Staffs                     Staffordshire
Hants                    Hampshire                                                                w                West
Herts                      Hertfordshire                                                            WLoth                   West Lothian
Heref                     Herefordshire                                                            WW2                     Second World War
Hunts                    Huntingdonshire                                                      Warwicks              Warwickshire
lA                     Iron Age                                                                     Wilts                      Wiltshire
inc. illustr.             [page range] includes illustrations                       Wares                    Worcestershire Lanes    Lancashire                               Yorks                                                                          Yorkshire

Index of the Transactions of the Essex Society for Archaeology and History  (Vols 21-30)

A12; A13; A120; Al30; A133; A131 see roads
Abberton, Church of St Andrew, chancel24: 186-8 Abbess Roding see Roding, Abbess
Abbey Mills, Stratford 22: 118 Abbott, Henry, of Earls Colne 28: 176
Abrahams Ferry, River Lea 23: 60, 62-3 Abridge/Chigwell
London, Little
Roman road line from London to Dunmow 26: 247 Roman well and mise. burials 22: 149-50
Absol Park, Great Waltham 25: 113, 114, 115
Ackworth (Yorks), school at 29: 148, 149 Acre (Holy Land), and the Crusades 30: 44
Acton, Professor Richard (d 1446), of Maldon 30: 44
Acton Burnell (Salop), Langley manor 30: 147, 152 Acton Park Bronze Age phase of metalwork 22: 3; 28:
Adam, John, Colchester will (c. 1491) 22: 90
Adam, Robert (architect) 27: 273
Adams, G. E. (Cokayne, G. E.), on local history 26: 196 Addedomarus see coins
Addison, SirWilliam, essays presented to (book review) 24:243-4
Adulfesness (.IEldulvesnasa), Domesday manor see
Sokens,The adzes
prehistoric  (general), shafthole Bishop's Stortford (Herts) 21: 141
Blackmore 21: 140-2, 141
Rivenhall23: 114, 115
Stanway 21: 141
Neolithic, Gilston, Harlow 22: 162, 164
Mesolithic, HarlowTemple 21: 133
late Bronze Age, Vange 29: 1, 7, 8, 15 adzes/axes
Benfleet, South, Badger Hall23: 1, 5
Chelmsford, Byron Road 27: 305 Dunmow, Great, Junior School25: 226 Ingatestone, Stock Road 27: 304
aerial reconnaissance 21: 123-5; 22: 160-1; 23: 95-7; 24:
186-96,191;29: 185-8,18 191;30:
Global Positioning System (GPS) 28: 187, 188, 190
Alphamstone, enclosures 21: 124, 125
Ashdon 23: 95, 96
Bardfield, Great 23: 95, 96
Bardfield, Little, ring ditch 21: 123
Belchamp St Paul, ring ditches 21: 123, 124
Birdbrook, rectangular enclosure 24: 193
Blackwater  estuary 24: 193-4; 26: 228, 229; 28: 12; 29: 274,
Boreham 23: 95, 97

Canfield, Little 23: 95, 97
Chignall, Beaumond Moates 27: 251, 252
Coggeshall Abbey 21: 123; 23: 95
Danbury 22: 145, 146
Dunmow, Great 21: 124, 125
Essex, NE 21: 138
Foulness Island 27: 250
Grays Thurrock 29: 19
Halstead 22: 145, 146
Hatfield Peverel, linear features 24: 193
Helions Bumpstead 22: 145, 146
Heybridge, line of Roman road 21: 123 Kelvedon, ring ditch 21: 123
Leighs, Great 21: 123, 124
Maplin Sands, 'The Broomway' 27: 250
Orsett, Causewayed Enclosure 28: 222-3
Ridgewell, enclosures 21: 125; 24: 193
Shalford 21: 123; 24: 193
Stebbing Green 23: 95, 96
Takeley, ri1;1g ditch 21: 123
Tey, Great 23: 95, 96
Thaxted 22: 145, 146
Tilty Abbey 21: 123
Tollesbury, Pennyhole Fleet, duck-decoy pond 27: 250,251 Witham, ring ditch near 21: 123
Wrabness 27: 251
lE.thelbald, King (d 860) 27: 95
lE.thelbert, King (d 866) 27: 95 1EtheltU£d
and Donyland 25:75
Lady of the Mercians 27: 94,96
lE.thelred I, King (d 871) 27: 92, 95
lE.thelred 11, King, coin, Castle Hedingham 22: 174, 175 lE.thelweard the Chronicler 27:94
lE.thelwold, challenges rule of Edward the Elder 27: 96 lE.thelwulf, King (d 855) 27: 95
agricultural buildings see barns; cartlodges; granaries agriculture
general, Demonstration Farms project 24: 114 Iron Age
Asheldham Camp 22: 13, 25,26
Boreham, Bull's Lodge Farm 24: 18
Heybridge 29: 233
late Iron Age/Roman, Heybridge, Langford Road 28: 21, 29
Braintree, George Yard 24: 61
see also Boreham  (Great Holts Farm) medieval
Adulfesness (now The Sokens) 27: 207-12
Langenhoe manor 22: 67
North Benfleet Coggeshale estate 22: 62
and placenames 28: 311
Springfield 29: 195, 203



agriculture, medieval (cont.)
Springfield/BorehamA12  Interchange  30:38-41,40
Stansted, Roundwood 27: 176; 30: 39, 40,41
Stebbingford 27: 173-6
farming glossary  (book review)  30:276-7 medieval/post-medieval   (general),Writtle, King John's
Hunting Lodge farm 24: 124 post-medieval  (general)
Bocking hop growing 29: 220, 224
Leytonstone horticulture and the London market 28: 298
17th cent., Hatfield Broad Oak, Hatfield Forest, 'The Warren' rabbit farm 25: 254, 255
18th/19th cent.
agricultural improvements 26: 136-8
Chingford, Hospital 25: 242
and Irish immigration 28: 298,301
18th-20th cent. farm workers and poverty (book review) 22: 188-9
19th cent.
changes in Stifford 26: 198
depression in 25: 219, 225; 26: 138; 27: 232 Enclosure Acts see Parliament (Acts of Enclosure)
French Wars 22: 189; 26: 136-8; 27: 233, 234, 239,244
women's work in 27: 226-8, 233
pigeon-keeping 25: 288
20th cent., Canvey Island Landscape Survey 29: 212
see also field systems; landscape history; pastoral farming; plant remains; ridge-and-furrow; settlement patterns; tithe commutation maps; tithe maps
air-raid shelters
Braintree, George Yard 24: 28
Southend Airport 30: 214
Southend-on-Sea, Thorpe Bay Junior School28: 186 Waltham Abbey, Church Street 24: 80
during WW1 29: 190
Fields of the First (Doyle, P.) (book review) 29: 299-300 Goldhanger 29: 300
Hainault Farm 29: 300
Rochford 29: 300
Stow Maries 29: 190, 300
Flambirds Farm 29: 213
during WW2 26: 234; 28: 197; 29: 300; 30: 202
see also Birch; Boreham; Fairlop; Hornchurch; Nazeing; North Weald; Rivenhall; Southend Airport; Stansted Airport; Stapleford; Thaxted
Alan-Williams turret, Nazeing 25: 257
Albigensian Crusades 27: 196 ale
assize of24: 132
dealers in,Yeldham, Great 26: 174, 188
and malting 25: 99
Aleyn, Alderman George, Colchester will (1510) 22: 90,
Aleyn, Thomas, Temple Mills lease 22: 119
Alfred the Great, King (d 899) 27: 92, 93, 94-6, 97
seizes London from the Vikings (886) 27: 93, 94
victory over Haesten (Hasteinn) at South Benfleet (893)
24: 157;27:95
Alfriston medieval manor (later Bigods), Great
Dunmow 27: 194-5, 196, 197-8
Alibon, Sir Richard (d 1688), judge, ofDagenham 26:200
Alldust, William, Colchester will (1553) 22: 97-8 Alliston, William, Great Maplestead manor 29: 233

Essex Society for Archaeology and History

Audley End, College of St Mark 26: 276, 277
Felsted 26: 212
Waltham Abbey/Waltham Holy Cross, Highbridge Street 23: 109
Waltham, Great 26: 212 Alphamstone
Neolithic to Roman? enclosures 21: 124, 125
St Barnabas' Church, south of, Roman pottery 23: 91 Alresford
Broomfield Plantation, ?Saxon ring ditches 29: 188 Church Farm, nr St Peter's Church ruins 26: 241 medieval estate of Coggeshale family 22: 61, 65
Roman enclosure 21: 125
St Peter's Church 26: 241; 28: 223
fabric analysis 29: 246-51, 247, 249-50
Alresford Lodge, Roman corridor building 29: 246 Alsford, Stephen, 'The town clerks of medieval Colchester'
24: 125-35
Alston Court see Nayland (Suffolk) Althorne, Church ofStAndrew 26:218 Ambresbury Banks, hillfort 26: 61
Amiens, Peace of(1802) 25: 196
ampullae, pilgrim's, Harwich, George Street 21: 86-7, 86
Amyce, Israel (Earls Colne map) 28: 167, 175 Anderson air-raid shelter,Waltham Abbey, Church Street
Andrewes, Launcelot, bishop ofWinchester
(1555-1626) 26: 195
Andrews, D. D.
(ed.)'Church miscellany' 28: 249-66; 29: 246-59; 30:
(ed.)'Historic buildings, notes and surveys 1996' 28: 228-48
(ed.) 'Historic buildings, notes and surveys 1997' 29: 216-45
(ed.)'Historic Buildings Reports  1998' 30:232-49 'Stebbing church. Vestry into chapel' 28: 117-32 and Bradwell-juxta-Coggeshall Church 29: 61
et al.
'An Archaeological Sequence at the edge of Old Harlow Marketplace' 22: 101-14
'Harwich; its archaeological potential as revealed in excavations at George Street and Church Street 21: 57-91
'More Maldon Wealdens. The Origins and Development of the King's Head, Maldon High Street' 27: 214-25
'New House Farm and Hungry Hall, Cressing. The disintegration of the Cressing Temple estate or the Great Rebuilding?' 28: 156-64
'The Granary at CressingTemple' 25:79-106 Andrews family of Harwich 29: 281
Androwes family, St Andrew's, Earls Colne monuments 28:
Anglian Water
Castle Hedingham, new source works 24: 195, 205; 25:
248; 27: 22-34 (inc. illustr.) Gosfield/Colne Engaine/Bardfield Saling/Halstead 23:
Anglo-Saxon  Chronicle 24: 157
Maldon burh 23: 18-20
and the Vikings 27: 92, 93, 94-5, 96, 97
animal  husbandry Roman period 22: 52


Index for Vblumes 21-30

animal husbandry (cont.)
medieval, Stebbingford 27: 173-4
later medieval, Saffron Walden 29: 134
see also pigeon-keeping; sheep-farming; stock enclosures animal      representations
on bricks and tiles
Boreham, Bull's Lodge Farm 24: 11, 12 Castle Hedingham, Maiden Ley Farm 27: 32 Rochford, Westbarrow Hall Farm 28: 213
on fired clay, Boreham, Bull's Lodge Farm 24: 16,
moulded copper alloy lion head, Stock 26: 224
on mount, Stapleford Tawney/Stanford Rivers 26: 269,270
late Saxon/Viking, on mount,Arkesden 28: 182, 183
late  Saxon/Romanesque,  Bradwell-juxta-Coggeshall Church 29: 83
medieval, belt-fitting(?),  Stapleford Tawney/Stanford Rivers 26: 269, 270
20th cent. wood carvings, Birdbrook Church 22: 136
antler remains
Fox Hall, Southend 26: 37
Pleshey, 'The Gardens' 28: 286
Springfield/Boreham A12 Interchange 30: 10; 31: 21
Waltham, Great, Dickeymoors 27: 90 Antoninus  Pius, Emperor  see  coins  (Roman) apothecaries, and Audley End 23: 72
Appledore (Devon), and the Vikings 27: 94, 95
Appulton, Thomas, Colchester town clerk (15th cent.) 24: 130
archaeomagnetic dating,Waltham Abbey, Church Street 24: 111
architects, Essex
checklist 1834-1914 24: 168-84
see also Chancellor, Frederic architectural      stonework
Asheldham, St Lawrence's Church 21: 149, 150
Bardfield Saling, Church of St Peter and St Paul25: 230; 26:224,225
Coggeshall, 'The Lawns' 26: 99
Colchester, East Stockwell Street 23: 33 Dovercourt, Church of All Saints 23: 93
Dunmow, Little, Church of All Saints, medieval mortared
flint 23: 94
Earls Colne, St Andrew's Church 28: 170, 174 Felsted, Church of the Holy Cross churchyard, sarsen
stone 23:93
Hatfield Broad Oak, Cock Public House (poss. ex-Hatfield Priory) 26: 254
All Saints' Church, spire 24: 136
Carmelite Friary 30: 89-90, 89, 130
Sandon, St Andrew's Church, medieval doorway 25: 279-85 (inc. illustr.)
Stebbingford 27: 154
Tilbury, East, Coalhouse Fort 23: 105 Waltham Abbey
Church Street, Purbeck marble bell capital 24: 82, 84
Sun Street 26: 118
see also sculpture and incised stone architecture
Norman/Romanesque style 21: 150, 151; 28: 255; 29:
59-114 (inc. illustr.)


Gothic style and R Chancellor's work 26: 206,213,217, 218,219
'Queen Anne' movement 26: 217, 218,219
art-deco, Southend-on-Sea, Kursaal, The 28: 199,207,
Essex mansions lost but archives saved 25: 288-9 agricultural
13th cent.
Coggeshall, Grange Barn 26: 272, 275; 27: 186-7
CressingTemple barns 24: 124; 25: 107-12 (inc.
illustr.); 26: 271-2, 272-3, 275; 27: 182-92
(inc. illustr.)
Fryerning, aisled barn 26: 273-6, 274-5
14th cent., Cholsey (Berks) 27: 187 15th cent.
Bocking Hall, barn 23: 157-9, 158
Harmondworth  (W. London), Great Barn 27: 186 Writtle, Lordship Barn 28: 228, 245-6, 246
Wymondley, Little (Herts) 27: 187
15th/16th cent., Netteswellbury, Monks' Barn 28: 228,
general, Leez Priory, barns 25: 125, 126, 128 17th cent.
Cressing, Hawbush Green, Bakery Cottage
(former barn?) 30: 237-41, 237, 239
CressingTemple, granary 25: 79-106 (inc. illustr.)
Good Easter, Faulkner's Hall, barn 29: 228-9, 229
17th/18th cent., Horkesley, Great, The Old House, barn 29: 184-5
18th cent.
Hedingham Castle, dovecote 28: 294,295-8, 295,
Terling Hall Farm (cartlodge with granary) 29:
18th/19th cent. Foulness
Eastwick Farm granary 28: 225
Tree Farm granary 28: 225
19th cent., Abbess Roding, Longbarns 29: 195,211
not precisely  dated
Kirby-le-Soken, Norton's Farm Barn 25: 231-2
Leez Priory Farm, barn 28: 222 domestic
early medieval
Nayland (Suffolk), Alston Court, hall with cross­ wings 24: 118, 119, 120
Tilbury Juxta Clare, Tilbury Hall, hall with cross­ wings 24: 119, 120, 121
Tiptofts, Seward's End, hall with cross-wings 24: 118-20,119,121
Wynter's Armourie, cross-wing house 24: 120 medieval
Bergholt, West
High Trees, Lexden Road, medieval kitchen 28: 113,114
Virginia Cottages, Lexden Road, medieval kitchen 28: 113, 114
Broomfield, Chopyns, medieval kitchen 28: 115,
Dunmow, Great, North Street, Brook House, medieval kitchen 28: 115, 116
Eight Ash Green, Abbotts Hall, medieval kitchen



architecture, domestic, medieval (cont.)
The Street (No. 1), medieval kitchen 28: 113,
114, 116
Yew Tree Farmhouse, medieval kitchen 28: 115,
Moreton, Hancocks, medieval kitchen 28: 115, 116 Stebbing, Parsonage Farmhouse, Church End,
medieval kitchen 28: 113, 114
Weald, South, Lincolns, Lincolns Lane, medieval kitchen 26: 188, 189; 28: 113, 114
13th/14th cent., Bradwell-on-Sea, Bradwell Hall, medieval roof 27: 325-9, 326-8
14th cent.
Belchamp  St Paul, Turners, medieval aisled hall 28:
Brentwood, High Street, Nos 60, 62 and 64, hall
with cross-wings 24: 119, 12Q-1
Maldon, Swan public house (extended intruded cross-passage) 22: 181, 182
Pitsea, Great Chalvedon Hall, hall with cross-wings 24:  119, 121
Roding, White, Cammas Hall22: 180, 181; 24: 120,
Shalford, Redfants Manor, hall with cross-wings 24:  119, 121
Staplehurst (Kent), Kent Cottage, jetties 24: 121
Tiptofts, Seward's End, moated farmhouse 27: 270 Wakes Colne, Normans Farm (now Normandy
Hall), hall with cross-wings 24: 119, 120, 121; 28:24Q-3,242
Great Codham Hall 28: 228, 243-5, 244
manorial chapel 30: 248-9, 248
15th cent.
Colchester, East Street, Rose and Crown Hotel 29: 211
Orsett, Old Hall Farm 27: 277-8
Pleshey, 'The Gardens' 28: 286, 289
Saffron Walden, High Street (No. 19), extended intruded cross-passage 22: 180, 182
Walden, Little, Cloptons (poss.) 21: 122
Witham, Newland  Street Nos  126-128 27:278-9,
15th/16th cent.
Radwinter, The Old Vicarage 27: 278, 279
Roxwell, Newland Hall22: 181, 182; 25: 131,
160-73  (inc. illustr.) medieval/post -medieval
Audley End, College of St Mark, almshouses 26: 276,
Angel Yard 21: 129; 27: 42
High Street 21: 129; 27: 36
Gosfield Hall25: 185
Heybridge, Heybridge Hall, assessment 29: 233-8,
Laver, High, Mashams 29: 216 Littley Park
Crowgate Cottage 25: 127-8, 128-9, 132
Littleypark farmhouse 25: 129-31
Maplestead, Great, Hosdens 29: 229-33, 230-2
Pentlow Hall22: 176-7, 180
Rayleigh, High Street (No. 91) 21: 134
Saffron Walden, High Street (No. 67) 21: 123

Essex Society for Archaeology and History

Terling, Tudor House, Church Green 28: 240, 241
Wakering, Little, Abbotts Hall21: 133
Witham, Chipping Hill Nos 26-28 27: 283-5,286,
post-medieval (general)
Helions Bumpstead, Boblow House 28: 238-40, 239
Saffron Walden, Market Hill21: 123 post-medieval (Tudor),Woodham Ferrers,
'Edwards'/'Edwins' Hall24: 151 15th cent., Prittlewell, Victoria Avenue (No.
255- former bakery) 30: 229
16th cent.
Chesterford, Great, School Street, Marigold Cottage
Chingford, Queen Elizabeth's Hunting Lodge 22: 81-2;29:220
Clacton, Cann Hall 29: 211
Coggeshall, Paycockes House 25: 150, 154
Easthorpe Green, Flispes, kitchen 28: 116 Toppesfield, The Cottage, 59 The Causeway 30:
Wickhambrook (Suffolk), Giffords Hall25: 156-7,
16th to 17th cent.
Canewdon, Gardners Farm 23: 112
Castle Hedingham, StJames Street, High House 28:
Cressing, Hungry Hall28: 160-4, 161-2, 164
Littlebury Hall26: 279-85, 281-3
kitchen 28: 115, 116
Yeldham, Great,Applegates 28:247,248
17th cent.
Cressing, Hawbush Green, Bakery Cottage (former barn?) 30: 237-41, 237, 239
Dutch Cottage Museum, Canvey Island 22: 122,
Epping, No. 237 High Street 30: 262, 263-5, 263
Waltham Holy Cross, Highbridge Street, Almshouses 23: 109
17th/18th cent.
Bocking, Church Lane (Polly's Hill), Hill Malting 29:
Cressing, New House Farm (later Cresleys Farm) 28:
156-60,158-  164
Steeple Bumpstead, Little Waltons Farmhouse  29:
18th cent.
Audley End, Temple ofVictory 27: 273
Copped Hall, Epping 24: 231; 25: 288, 289; 29:226,
outbuilding (later barn) 24: 231-3, 232, 233
'Dutch' cottage, Rayleigh 22: 122, 124-7, 13Q-1
18th/19th cent.,Writtle, Hylands House 29: 204; 30:
19th cent.
Berechurch Hall, Colchester, Gothick style dovecote
25: 285-8 (inc. illustr.)
Bergholt, East (Suffolk), St Mary's Abbey 26: 215
Birch, farm cottages (for C. G. Round) 26: 208
Chelmsford, New London Road, Farleigh (formerly
Spergula) 26: 215
Colchester, St Giles' Church, parsonage 26: 216
Danbury Country Park, Icehouse 30: 228
Felsted, almshouses 26: 212
Ford End, parsonage 26: 216


lndexforVolumes 21-30

architecture, domestic, 19th cent. (cont.)
Halstead, 'Country Residence' 24: 177
Hatfield Broad Oak,Vicarage 26: 216
Horndon-on-the-Hill, High Road, Mayfield Cottage
Blackheath  (Outer London), All Saints Vicarage 26:217
Carrington Mews, Mayfair 26: 211
Chelsea, Gatliff Buildings 26: 211
Farringdon Road, Clerkenwell 26: 211
Highgate, Southwood Lawn Estate, villas 26: 208,
Leytonstone, Hartley Road Vicarage 26: 217 Mile End New Town, Howard Buildings 26:211 Spicer Street, Spitalfields 26: 211
Peldon, Brick House Farm 26: 217
Potsgrove (Beds), Rectory 26: 217
Purleigh, Rectory 26: 217
Rivenhall, Durwards 26: 215
Salcott, Rectory 26: 217
Shoebury, North, Vicarage 26: 217
Takeley, Vicarage 26: 216 altham,   Great
almshouses 26: 212
Curate's House 26: 216-17
ton (Northants), ton Lodge 26: 215 19th/20th cent.
Baddow, Great, Pondlands (now Pontlands Park) 26: 214-15
Creeksea, Creeksea Place 26: 215
Dovercourt, seaside house at 24: 182
20th cent.
Bocking, St Peter's Church, parsonage 26: 217 Debden, housing survey 29: 211
Layer Marney Towers 26: 215
Leez Priory, remodelled 26: 215
not precisely dated
Braintree, High Street (No. 106 (rear)) 22: 181-3,
Broomfield, The Angel, crown post roof 25: 130 Cressing, Hawbush Green, Bakery Cottage (former
barn?) 30: 237-41, 237, 239
Earls Colne, Sonningwells 29: 224-6, 225 Elstowe (Beds), long-wall jetty house 24: 120 Fremnells, Downharn  25: 288
Harwich, Church Street, No. 4 26:226
Maplestead, Great, Lucking Street, Lucking House Farmhouse  30: 240,241
Moreton, Black Hall, crown post roof 25: 130 Nayland (Suffolk), 'The Butts', Church Lane 25: 154 Thaxted, Horharn Hall, crown post roof 25: 130 endens Ambo, Ship Street, Shiptons Farm
(extended intruded cross-passage) 22: 180,
Beaumont-cum-Moze, Beaumont Quay 28: 206, 223 Bocking
Bradford Street Mill 30: 233-7, 233-6
Church Lane (Polly's Hill), Hill Malting (Resting Seat House)  29:  220-4,220,  221,222
Canvey Island, Northwick Road Retail Park, Occidental Oil Refmery 29: 207-8
Bridge Street, Gardner's Brewery 28: 206, 223-5


est Street, Isinglass Factory 29: 195, 211 Colchester, Bourne atermill25: 248 Dunmow, Great, Boyes Croft Malting 27: 256
Earls Colne, Atlas Ironworks 26: 235; 29: 189, 190
Goldhanger, Iron Foundry 29: 189 Harlow  arf, The Old Barn  27:257,258
Heybridge, Saltcote Maltings 28: 199, 201; 29: 195, 206
Laver, High, Bush Hall Farm, malthouse 29: 190; 30:
Marmingtree, The ails Maltings 27: 257, 260 Mistley
Maltings No. 1 27: 256-7, 257; 29: 212
Maltings Nos 3, 4 & 7 30: 212, 229
Ongar, High, Spurriers Farm Malthouse 27: 257,258
Purleigh, The Street,The Old Bakery 30: 229
Saffron  alden, Raynham's Garage (former High Street
Maltings) 30: 212, 229
Stisted, Gowers Farm Malthouse 27: 256
Stisted Reservoir 29: 212
Tey, Great, Cob Cottage, High Street, wheelwright's shop 29: 185
Yeldham, Upper Yeldharn Hall Malthouse 29: 190
see also Industrial Archaeology Survey military/defence
post-medieval (general)
Braintree, air-raid shelter 24: 28
Coalhouse Fort, EastTilbury 21: 127, 131; 23: 105 altham Abbey altharn Holy Cross
Royal Ordnance orks 25: 254, 256-7; 27: 259,
260,274;28: 198-9,200;30:226
ashing House, Quinton Hill28: 225-6
17th cent., Tilbury Fort 21: 138; 22: 160; 23: 109-10 19th cent.
Harwich, Beacon Hill29:  195,211-12 Shoeburyness, Barracks 30: 229
20th cent.
Boreham Airfield, control tower 28: 198
Bradwell 28: 203
Burnharn-on-Crouch, minefield control tower 25:
Harwich, Angel Gate 28: 203
Kelvedon Hatch Cold ar Regional Government HQ 29:212
Stow Maries Airfield, Flambirds Farm 29: 213
see also air-raid shelters; artillery; pill-boxes public and commercial
Billericay, St Andrew's Hospital (formerly Union orkhouse)  30: 212, 227
Coggeshall Road, Braintree Secondary School (now Social Services) 26: 210
Embassy Cinema 30: 204-5, 205
Brook Street, The Golden Fleece Inn (South eald)
21: 154; 22: 76-86 (inc. illustr.)
lngrave Road, Brentwood Grammar School 26: 210 St Faith's Hospital industrial school29: 190, 191; 30:
bite Hart Inn 25: 158
Chappel, Swan public house, 16th cent. kitchen 28: 116
Church Street, Chelmsford National Schools for Boys (former) 26: 210, 211
Corn Exchange 26: 205,213
and statue of Chief Justice Tindal 26: 213



architecture, public and commercial, Chelmsford (cont.)
Duke Street, 66-68 (Essex Provident Society) 26:
High School for Girls 26: 210
Library, Museum and Art School (now Anglia Polytechnic University) 26: 210
Moulsham Street, StJohn's National Schools 26: 210 New London Road, Infirmary and Dispensary (now
Chelmsford and Essex Hospital) 26: 212 Union Workhouse (now StJohn's Hospital) 26:212
Chipping Ongar Children's Cottage Home 30: 204
Colchester, The Red Lion Hotel2S: 134-59 (inc. illustr.)
Dunmow, Great, Union Workhouse 26: 212
Epping, St Margaret's Hospital (former workhouse) 30: 212,228
Felsted, Grammar School 26: 208, 210
Fyfleld, Elmbridge School 30: 212, 228
Hastings (Sussex), London & County Bank 26: 213 Homdon-on-the-Hill
Oxley House (formerly the Co-operative shop), High Road 29: 238-40, 239
The Old Market Hall, High Road 29: 238, 239
Lavenham (Suffolk), Guild Hall2S: 154 London
Poultry, 12-13 (Mappin andWebb terrace) 26:213 Shoreditch, London & County Bank 26: 213
High Street, King's Head, Wealden buildings 27: 214-25  (inc. illustr.)
St Peter's Hospital (formerly Union House) 26: 212
Silver Street, Blue Boar Hote130: 241-5,241-2, 244
Mountnessing, Drury's Farm, lngatestone (former) lock-up  cell28:  293-4,293
Corn Exchange 26: 213-14
Rochford Bank 26:214
Rochford Hospital (formerly Southend Municipal
Hospital), Daly's House and assoc. buildings 27:273;28:   199,202
Saffron Walden Union Workhouse 30: 203,212,229
Southend-on-Sea, Kursaal, The, Victorian/art-deco 28: 199,207,225,226
Takeley, Railway Station 28: 199, 305-11, 306-7
Woodbridge Grammar School (Suffolk) 26: 210 religious
bellframes survey 27: 289-91, 290
Abberton, Church of St Andrew, chancel 24: 186-8 Alresford, St Peter's Church 28: 223; 29: 246-51,247,
Althome, Church of St Andrew 26: 218
Asheldham, St Lawrence's Church 21: 146-51, 147,
Ashen, StAugustine's Church 27: 291
Aveley, Church of St Michael, floor 24: 188
Bardfleld, Great, St Mary's Church 23: 93; 25: 265-70
(inc. illustr.)
Bardfleld Saling, Church of St Peter and St Paul2S:
Benfleet, North, Church of All Saints 27: 296-7 Bergholt, West, St Mary's Church 27: 301, 303; 29: 98,
Bicknacre Priory 29: 216-20,217-19
Black Notley, St Peter and St Paul's Church, chancel roof30: 250

Essex Society for Archaeology and History

Blackmore, Church of St Lawrence 26: 218; 29: 98-9,
.98, 285, 286
Boreham, St Andrew's Church, west wall 29: 251-3, 252
Bradfleld, St Lawrence's Church 22: 173-4, 173, 174;
Bradwell-juxta-Coggeshall,  Holy Trinity Church see under Bradwell-juxta-Coggeshall
Bradwell-on-Sea, St Peter's ad Mururn 27: 291-2 Broornfleld, Church of St Mary 26: 218; 30: 250-1 Burstead, Little, Church of St Mary, medieval and later
features 23: 94 Chelmsford
Broornfleld House, Quaker Lodge and Meeting House 26: 207,208
Cathedral 30: 223
Moulsham, StJohn's Church 29:258-9 Chesterford, Great, Church of All Saints 24: 189; 26:
Chesterford, Little, Church of St Mary the Virgin 26: 226-7
Chipping Ongar, Church, spire 29: 286, 287
Coggeshall Abbey, Saint Nicholas Chapel Oater St Nicholas  parish  church)  27: 292-5, 292-4; 29:
84, 97, 102, 104
Church of St Mary Oater St Michael and All Angels) roof21:    120-2,120-1
wall paintings 24: 161 Dagenham
St Peter and St Paul Church 26: 199, 200
Pilon vault 29: 253
Dovercourt, Church of All Saints, tower and porch 23: 93
Dunmow, Little
Church of All Saints, medieval mortared flint 23: 94 Priory, the Lady Chapel (now parish church)  24:
St Mary the Virgin, Church of 26: 218 Durham Cathedral27:  189
Earls Colne, St Andrew's Church, monuments and
seating 28: 165-80 (inc. illustr.)
Easthorpe Church 29: 94, 97,98
Elmstead, Parish Church of St Anne and St Lawrence 28:249-50,249
Ely Cathedral (Cambs) 27: 189-90
Felsted, Church of the Holy Cross, north aisle reconstruction 29: 253-4, 254
Ford End, StJohn the Evangelist, Church of26: 218 Fordham, All Saints, Church of, floor tiles 29: 254 Gestingthorpe, St Mary's Church 27: 302
Greenstead-Iuxta-Colchester, St Andrew's Church 30: 252-3
Greensted, wooden church of St Andrew 24: 157; 26:
Hadstock, Church of St Botolph 24: 191 Hallingbury, Little, Church 27: 296 Hanningfleld, South, Church of St Peter 26: 218
Hanningfleld, West, Church of St Mary and St Edward, belfry 29: 98, 259
Hatfleld Peverel, StAndrew's Church 26:277-9,278 Hawkwell, Church of St Mary, construction of north
aisle and vestry 27: 271-2; 29: 255-8, 256-8 Helions Bumpstead, Church of St Andrew 27: 295-6 Hempstead, Church of St Andrew, Harvey vault 26:


Index for Ttblumes 21-30

architecture, religious (cont.)
Horndon-on-the-Hill, St Peter and St Paul's Church, spire 29: 285, 286
llford, Aldborough Hatch Chapel 30: 225
Ingatestone, Church of St Edmund and St Mary 25: 229
Lamarsh, Church of the Holy Innocents 27: 296 Lambourne, Church of St Mary and All Saints 28:
Langham, St Mary's Church 30: 253-4, 253
Lavenham (Suffolk), Parish Church of SS Peter and Paul, Parclose of chapel25: 155
Leigh-on-Sea, St Clement's Church, tomb 27: 296 Lincoln Cathedral, spire 29: 284
Magdalen Laver, church, work ofF. Chancellor 26: 218 Maldon
All Saints' Church, spire 24: 136-49 (inc. illustr); 29:
St Mary's Church 24: 208; 26: 218; 30: 254-5, 254
Maplestead, Great, St Giles' Church 30:251 Mersea, West, Church of SS Peter and Paul, tower
restoration 28: 255-6, 255
Navestock, Church of St Thomas the Apostle 26: 218; 29:286,287
Newport Church 27: 340
Ongar, High, Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin 25: 228-9
Parndon, Great, St Mary's Church 27: 295
Peldon, St Mary's Church 27: 297, 298
Pitsea, St Michael's Church 28: 216
Ramsden Crays, Church of St Mary 26: 218; 30: 255-6,
Ramsey, St Michael's Church 30: 256-7, 256
Rettendon, All Saints' Church 26: 218
Ridgewell, St Lawrence's Church, lost chapel27: 298,
Rivenhall Church 29: 60, 88, 94, 95, 96, 99, 104 Salisbury Cathedral
geometric design 25: 112
spire 29: 285
Sampford, Great, St Michael's Church 24: 189, 190; 25: 27Q-9 (inc. illustr.)
Sandon, St Andrew's Church, medieval doorway 25: 279-85 (inc. illustr.)
Shoebury, North, St Mary's Church 27: 298 Shoebury, South, StAndrew's  Church 27:300-1,300 Springfield, All Saints' Church 26: 218
Church of St Mary the Virgin 25: 251
vestry into chapel28: 117-32 (inc. illustr.) Steeple Bumpstead, St Mary's Church 28: 256
Stock, Church of All Saints, belfry 29: 98, 285, 286, 287
Stondon Massey, Church of SS Peter and Paul 24: 228-31,22      230;28:252
Sutton, All Saints' Church 24: 192
Takeley, Holy Trinity Church 27: 301
Tendring, St Edmund's Church 27: 301-2
Terling, Church, Rochester family brasses 27: 302-3
Tey, Great, St Barnabas Church 22: 141; 30: 251-2 Thaxted, Church of StJohn the Baptist 21: 137 Ulting, Church of St Mary 26: 218
Upminster, church spire 29: 286, 287
Wakering, Great, St Nicholas Church, timber south porch repairs 30: 252
Waltham, Little, St Martin's Church 26: 218


Walthamstow, St Mary's Church 28: 256-63, 257-8, 26D-1
Weald, South, St Peter's Church 28: 262, 263-6, 264,
White Notley, church spire 29: 286,287
Willingale, Church of St Andrew and All Saints 21: 122
Wormingford, St Andrew's Church 25: 232; 26: 218 Writtle, Parish Church of All Saints 26: 227-8
timber framing
Belchamp  St Paul, Turners 28: 228-32,229-30
Backing Hall, barn 23: 158-9, 158
Bradwell-juxta-Coggeshall Church 29: 59, 65, 69, 83,
86, 92, 94, 98-9
Bradwell-on-Sea, Bradwell Hall27: 325-9,326-8
Brentwood, The Golden Fleece Inn, Brook Street 21: 154;22:76-86,79-80,82-4,86
Chelmsford, Baddow Road 23: 103 Clavering, hall of the 'Bury' 24: 122 Colchester
Angel Yard 27: 59
East Street, Rose and Crown Hotel 29: 211 Osborne Street 25: 49, 50, 53
Cressing, Barley Barn 26: 271-2,272-3
Heybridge Hall29: 234, 236,237,238
Horndon-on-the-Hill, Oxley House (formerly the Co- operative shop) 29: 238-40,239
Maldon, Silver Street, Blue Boar Hotel30: 241-4,242
Orsett, Old Hall Farm 27: 277-8
Prittlewell, Victoria Avenue (No. 255) 30: 229
Springfield, A 12 Interchange 24: 211
Wakes Colne, Normans Farm (now Normandy Hall) 28:24Q-3,242
Walden, Little, Cloptons 21: 122
Waltham Abbey, Church Street 24: 85, 90, 93
Wethersfield, Great Codham Hall28: 228, 243-5, 244
Witham, Newland  Street Nos  126-128 27:282
Writtle, Lordship Barn 24: 124; 28: 228,245-6,246
Yeldham, Great, Old Post Office Cottages 26: 174-91 (inc. illustr.)
general, extended intruded cross-passages 22: 180-3,
Canewdon, Gardners Farm 23: 112
Colchester, Angel Yard 21: 129; 27: 5Q-2, 51-2
Laver, High, Mashams 29: 216
Littleypark farmhouse 25: 129
Maldon, King's Head 27: 218,219,220,221
Maplestead, Great, Hosdens 29: 229, 23D-1
Netteswellbury, Monks Barn 28: 234-7, 235-6
Pentlow Hall22: 176
Radwinter, The Old Vicarage 27: 279
Roxwell, Newland Hall25: 160, 163, 168, 171
Saffron Walden, 33-35 High Street 29: 128, 134
Terling, Tudoe House, Church Green 28: 240, 241
Wakering, Little, Abbotts Hall21: 133
Backing, Bradford  Street Mill30: 233-7,234-5 Colchester
Angel Yard 27: 36, 61, 62,63
Osborne Street 25: 53
Dunmow, Great, Boyes Croft Malting 27: 256 Helions Bumpstead, Boblow House 28: 238-40,



architecture, timber framing, post-medieval (cont.)
Leez Priory, barns 25: 125
Saffron Walden, Market Hill21: 123
Tey, Great, Cob Cottage, High Street 29: 185 16th cent.
Clacton, Cann Hall29: 211
Colchester, The Red Lion 25: 134, 135, 136, 147
Toppesfield, The Cottage, 59 The Causeway 30:
Wakering, Great, Church of St Nicholas, porch 30:
16th/17th cent.
Boxted, Boxted Cross Public House 22: 144-5 Castle Hedingham, StJames Street, High House
Cressing, Hungry Hall28: 161-2
Littlebury Hall26: 279-85, 281-3
Yeldham, Great,Applegates 28:247,248 17th cent.
Abbess Roding, Longbarns 29: 211
Cressing, Hawbush Green, Bakery Cottage 30: 237-41, 237, 239
'Dutch' cottages 22: 122, 125
Epping, High Street (No. 237) 30: 263-4 17th/18th cent.
Hocking, Church Lane (Polly's Hill), Hill Malting
Cressing, New House Farm 28: 156, 158-60,
Steeple Bumpstead, Little Waltons Farmhouse 29: 240
18th cent.
Rochford, South Street 28: 186
Terling Hall Farm, cartlodge 29: 242, 243, 244-5 18th/19th cent.
Coggeshall, Bridge Street, Gardner's Brewery 28:
Saffron Walden, High Street (No. 67) 21: 123
not precisely  dated
Braxted Hall, kitchen 26: 188
Chappel, Old Stores, kitchen 26: 188, 189
Earls Colne, Sonningwells 29: 224-6, 225
Nayland (Suffolk), 'The Butts', Church Lane 25: 154 Saffron Walden, High Street (No. 19 (rear)) 22: 142,
143, 144
Southchurch Hall 29: 216
Weald, South, Lincolns, kitchen 26: 188, 189 see also architects (above)
Ardale School, briquetage 26: 69
Bronze Age cemetery 29: 187
cropmark complex 26: 230, 241; 27: 255 Elm Park
late Beaker burial28: 216
Iron Age and Roman features 26: 223, 241; 28: 216; 30:
post-medieval quarries 26: 223
Martell's Hall25: 241
parish of 25: 73
Station Road (see also Elm Park) 21: 122; 30: 212
late Saxon artefacts 28: 182-3, 183
1815 Enclosure Act 25: 219
Arlington, Lord, and Capt. Silas Taylor 25: 179, 180
armaments manufacture, Temple Mills, Stratford 22: 118

Essex Society for Archaeology and History

Armiger, Jeremy, tenant ofTottenham Mills 23: 59
copper alloy, late Bronze Age, Vange 29: 1 flint
Bradwell-on-Sea, Othona Community site 25: 69
Witham, The Avenue 22: 138-9, 139
Boxted, Parsonage Hill 24: 208
Henham 24: 185
Heybridge, Langford Road 25: 242; 28: 16, 30,31
Hornchurch, Maybank Avenue 24: 205
late Neolithic/early Bronze Age, Stebbingford 25: 249; 27:108,156
early Bronze Age
Springfield/Boreham A12 Interchange 30: 17
Upminster, Hunts Hill Farm 29: 207 iron
medieval, Stebbingford (poss.) 27: 151, 152, 153
medieval/post-medieval, Harwich, George Street 21: 87
art see animal representations; fireplaces; sculpture and incised stone; wall paintings
anti-aircraft sites in Essex 30: 206-8
anti-aircraft (V1) batteries (Diver sites) 26: 256; 27: 255;
28: 195
Canvey Island, anti-aircraft command post 30: 207 Chelmsford, Central Park 30: 208
Chesterford, Great, spigot mortar sites 26: 256; 28: 219
Chigwell, anti-aircraft battery 30: 202
Colchester 30: 208
Dengie, anti-aircraft batteries (Diver sites) 27: 255 Dovercourt, anti-aircraft battery 29: 186
Fulwell Cross (Greater London), anti-aircraft battery 30: 202
Hadleigh, 'cold war' anti-aircraft site 30: 207
Hamford Water, anti-aircraft batteries 29: 186
Harwich, Beacon Hill fort 29: 211-12
Lea, River 25: 257
Mersea, East 25: 256
North Weald, anti-aircraft site 30: 207
Oakley, Little, anti-aircraft site 30: 207
Sutton, anti-aircraft site 30: 207
Tilbury, East
Bowater's Farm, Buckland, anti-aircraft battery 26: 255-6
Coalhouse Fort 21: 131
Tilbury, West, spigot mortar pits 26: 256 Tilty, spigot mortar pit 27: 275
Vange, 'cold war' anti-aircraft site 30: 207
Wakering, Great, Alexandra Road 26: 244; 28: 1, 10
Waltham Abbey, Lippitts Hill 30: 208
see also Enfield Lock (Royal Ordnance Factory); Harwich (Bathside Battery); Martello  towers; Waltham Abbey/Waltham  Holy Cross  (Royal Ordnance Works)
Arundel, earls of
Henry (d 1557) 25: 155, 156
William de Aubigny (3rd Earl d 1221) 26: 129
Ashampstead (Berks), St Clement's Church, wall painting 29:140,144
mid-to-late Iron Age enclosures 23: 95, 96


Index for HJlumes 21-30

Ashdon (cont.)
late 9th cent. Viking coin hoard 27: 94
Assandune/Assandun, battle of (1016) (poss. site) 21: 157;
Church font 29: 97
Money Field, Roman pottery and tile 23: 91 pipe-laying watching brief 22: 140-1
book review (Gibson/Green) 21: 157 Ashdown  (Berks), Battle  of27: 92 Asheldham
St Lawrence's Church
revisited 21: 146-51, 147, 148-50
Saxon settlement 22: 15,24
Saxon timber church 21: 146, 149
tower 21: 151
Asheldham Camp 23: 22; 26: 61
early Neolithic features 22: 23
early Iron Age hillfort 22: 13-37 (inc. illustr.); 26: 63
middle Iron Age features 22: 24, 25
late Iron Age/Roman features 22: 24
Saxon features 22: 24, 26
medieval features 22: 24-5
briquetage 26: 77-8
mise. fmds 22: 14-15
pottery 22: 14, 17, 20, 24, 27-31
see also plant remains Ashen
prehistoric enclosures 30: 200-1
Anglo-Saxon metalwork 27: 320,321
StAugustine's Church 27: 291
Ashhurst, Sir Robert  (son ofSirWilliam)  28:295,297 Ashhurst, Sir William, MP (d 1719), Hedingham Castle
Coggeshale family advowson of parish church 22: 61,65
see also Assandune/Assandun
Askew, Revd Adam (d 1791), ofWalthamstow 28: 261, 262,
Cnut's victory at (1016) 21: 157; 24: 157
site atAshingdon or Ashdon? 21: 157; 24: 157
Warwick Rodwell on (review) 26: 288
Asser  (King Alfred's biographer)  27: 92, 94
Astle, Col Thomas (d 1820/1821), of Gosfield Hall25: 190 Astle, Thomas (d 1803), plan of GreatTey 29: 206 Athelstan, King, lOth cent. Heybridge manor 29: 233 Atkinson, Mark, 'A Late Bronze Age enclosure at
Broomfield, Chelmsford' 26: 1-23
Attelis, Wilmyne de, and Mascallsbury medieval manor 27: 198
Attwood family, and Littlebury 26: 279, 280, 284
Aubigny, William de see Arundel, earls of Audley,  SirThomas  (d 1544)
and manor ofBerechurch 25:288 andTilty Abbey 23: 152
Audley, Thomas (Earl of Suffolk) see Howard, Thomas,
First Earl of Suffolk AudleyEnd
17th cent., brewhouse yard 26: 228 18th cent.
apothecaries 23: 72
books and stationery 23: 74-6
clothing 23: 71-2
foodstuffs 23: 68
fuel23: 69


game and gamekeepers 23: 72-3; 24: 165-6
stabling and carriages 23: 73-4
structures and gardens 26: 255
travel23: 74
unit of consumption 23: 67-78
unit of employment 24: 164-7
wine and beer supplies 23: 69-71
20th cent. WW2 anti-tank blocks 26: 256, 257; 27: 274
College of St Mark, almshouses 26: 276, 277
cottages 26: 208
estate maps (from 1758) 29: 125, 127, 131
gardens 26: 255; 27: 273
origins of24: 158
Temple ofVictory 27: 273
see also Littlebury (Ring Hill Hillfort) Augustinian    Order
Bicknacre Priory 29: 216
Colchester, St Botolph's Priory 22: 96
Leez Priory 25: 125; 26: 215
Waltham Abbey 26: 252; 29: 207
Aunger, Michael, Colchester town clerk 24: 126-7, 128,
129, 130
Lower Palaeolithic hand axe 29: 260
A13 road improvement 26: 240 Purfleet Road
faunal remains 29: 204
Pleistocene deposits 28:205, 215-16; 29: 204
Ship Lane, prehistoric to Roman and ?Saxon settlement 26:240;27:263
Church of St Michael, floor insertion 24: 188 Lennard family of 26: 195, 196
Ponds Farm, Pleistocene deposits 27: 262-3
Sandy Lane Quarry 27: 263; 28: 215, 216; 29: 204
see also Belhus; Belhus Park
axe-hammer, stone, Rivenhall 23: 114, 115
Bronze Age (general)
Dovercourt 28: 277
Easthorpe 22: 2, 3
Fingringhoe 22: 2, 3-5, 4, 6, 7, 8
Oakley, Little 22: 9, 10, 11 early Bronze Age
Shoebury, North 21: 134; 23: 115
Tiptree 28: 273 middle Bronze Age
Billericay 25: 258; 27: 306, 307
Bromley, Great, Balls Green 28: 270-3,271
Fairlop Quarry 30: 221
StaplefordAbbotts 27:305-7,308
late Bronze Age Baddow, Little
Culverts Farm 30: 19
Phillows Farm 30: 19
Blackwater valley 30: 260-1,261
Hacton 22: 6, 10
Harlow, Old, Gilden Way 21: 119
Layer Marney 28:273-7,274,276
Stumps Cross 26: 259, 260
Vange 29: 1, 3-8, 4-5, 15
Palaeolithic Aveley 29: 260
Bocking 26: 222-3

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