
Friday 1 January 2016

Essex Archaeology and History. Third Series. Vols. 21-30. Index (She - Sun)

Published here online for the first time, this is the Index of the Transactions of the Essex Society for Archaeology and History (until 1985, the Essex Archaeological Society).  Contact us for more information.

Shenfield see Brentwood
Sherrin, George Campbell (architect, d 1909) 24: 169,
shield  fittings Anglo-Saxon
Braxted, Little 23: 126, 128, 129
Chesterford area 29: 270, 271-2, 273
and Carter, G., 'Excavations at Angel Yard, High Street,
Colchester, 1986 and 1989' 27:35-83 'Excavations at Osborne Street, Colchester' 25:46-59
shipwrecks 28: 188, 190, 191 shoe  remains
? medieval, Waltham Abbey, Church Street 24: 76,
medieval, Colchester, Osborne Street 25: 59 Shoebury
general, early planned landscape 22: 55,57
Domesday manors of 22: 53 Shoebury,  North
general, Excavations at North Shoebury: settlement and economy in south-east Essex 1500 BC to AD 1500 (book review)  27: 338-9
early Bronze Age axes 21: 134; 23: 115
middle Bronze Age field system 28: 1, 10
late Bronze Age 26: 24; 28: 1
loomweights 23: 118, 119
early Iron Age 28: 1
pottery 22: 164, 165; 26: 30, 33
late Iron Age/Roman field system 22: 49, 55; 27: 338
early Saxon cemetery 22: 164-5; 27: 339
medieval pottery 21: 101
Middle Pastures, prehistoric and later settlement 23: 111 North Shoebury Hall27: 339
St Mary's Church 27: 298
Vicarage, work of F. Chancellor 26: 217
not precisely dated, early manorial enclosure 26: 123 Shoebury,    South
19th cent. tithe commutation maps 25: 222 StAndrew's  Church  27:300-1,300
Shoeburyness Barracks 30: 229
Danish camp 22: 55; 29: 202
Old Ranges 29: 202
Royal Artillery station 29: 202
WW2 sites 27: 255 shoemaking
French wars 27: 229
poss. workshop 25: 46, 48, 59
Shopland, Butler's Farm, 'Dutch' cottage 22: 124, 131
Shortgrove, manor of (near Newport)  27: 340 Shortgroves, Sewards End (nrThaxted) see Sewards
Shodey (Suffolk), HMS Ganges 29: 186 Shropham  (Norfolk)
Bradcar manor 22: 61,62
and Coggeshale family 22: 61, 62,65
Shuttleworth, Derek, and Mashams, High Laver 29: 216
Sible Hedingham
medieval crafts and trades 29: 120
medieval pottery production 26: 184; 27: 174
19th cent. paupers in 27:231

Smyth, Sir Robert

Messrs Savill and Son, surveyors 25: 224
Southey Green, Broak's Wood, medieval pottery 23: 94;
27: 145
water meadows 26: 233, 234
see also Castle Hedingham sickles
Bronze Age
Fingringhoe 22: 4, 5
Vange 29: 7,8
Sigered (Sigeric?), Saxon King 27: 92
Silchester (Hants), Roman church 26: 265, 266
silk industry
17th cent., Temple Mills, Stratford 22: 119 18th cent., move from Spitalfields 27: 229 18th/19th cent., Colchester 27: 229
19th cent., Coggeshall27: 229
silver objects
Chelmsford and Essex Museum 24:221,222
church plate and Essex history 24: 150-6 Laver, High 30: 197
Maldon Hall Farm 21: 133
Totham, Great 27: 325, 326
see also coins
silver-gilt objects, Waltham Abbey, Church Street 24: 76,
105, 106
silversmiths, and church plate 24: 150, 151, 152
Sinclair, Robert (surveyor) 28: 309
Sites and Monuments Record (SMR) 28:312-13,315
see also National Mapping Project Siward  ofMaldon  30:  146
Skeleton Green (Herts), box burials 28: 27 Skynner, T., 18th cent. map-maker 25: 223 slag
Broomfield, Windmill Field 26: 20-1
Coggeshall, 'The Lawns' 26: 99, 100 Colchester
Angel Yard 27: 38
Gosbecks 26: 262
Kirkee McMunn barracks 29: 262
Thaxted, Town Street 29: 291, 293
slate, roof, Maldon Carmelite Friary 30: 92 Sleath, Gabriel, 18th cent. silversmith 24: 152 Slough  House  Farm,  GreatTotham
general, and Lower Blackwater valley (book review) 29: 298 prehistoric enclosures and features 21: 126, 132; 28: 195
late Iron Age/Roman settlement 21: 132
Saxon features 21: 126-7, 132
Smith, Harold, on Essex ecclesiastical history 24: 161-2 Smith, J. R., The origins and failure  of New South-End  (book
review) 23: 170, 173
Smith, Laurie, 'The geometrical designer at Cressing
Temple' 27: 188-92 (inc. illustr.)
Smith's Ferry, River Lea 23: 64
smiths and smithing see bronze-working; copper
manufacture; iron slag; ironworking; metalworking
Smithy Marsh, Walthamstow, gunpowder mill23: 61 Smoothy, Martyn D., et al., 'Salvage Recording of Iron Age
and Roman remains at lckleton Road, Great Chesterford' 21: 11-18
Smyth, John, Colchester will (1545) 22: 97
Smyth, Sir John, acquires CressingTemple 25: 79, 291; 28:
Smyth, Sir Robert, and Berechurch manor house 25: 288


Smyth, Thomas

Smyth,Thomas (son of Sir John ofCressingTemple) 28: 156
Smyth,William (d 1630), ofCressingTemple 25: 103; 28:
Smyth family ofCressingTemple (later Nevill) 25: 79, 291;28: 156,164
Smythies, Frank, Colchester Town Clerk (late 18th cent.) 24:242
Soane, Sir John 25: 190
Society for Bettering the Condition of the Poor 27: 227, 230
soil micromorphology, Bradwell-on-Sea, Othona
Community site 25: 69
soil profiles, Asheldham  Camp 22: 35
soilmarks, and aerial photography 28: 188, 190 Sokens,The  (formerly manor of Adulfesness)  27:
landscape history and settlement 27: 203-7,203-5
manorial structure 27: 202-3, 206-11
social structure 27: 202-3, 211-12
Horlocks, the (vills) 27: 202, 207-12
Kirby (vill) 27: 202-3,207-12
'Strode, the' 27: 206, 213n
Thorpe (vill) 27: 202,207-12
Walton Hall 27: 206, 207
Walton (vill) ('The Town') 27: 202,203-12
West Rock 27: 203, 204, 206
Sotheby, Charles, and Sewardstone tithe commutation 25: 221
Southall manor (later Clapton Hall), Great Dunmow
general, early planned landscape 22: 55, 57
Neolithic axe 21: 140
medieval stone bridge 22: 156
Thorpe Ha1121: 49
Wick Farm, mise. prehistoric to medieval deposits 29: 202-3
see also Fox Hall, Southend-on-Sea  Southchurch  Hall24:  122; 27: 288; 29: 216,234
Southend Airport, Bronze Age features 28: 213; 30: 210,
Southend area, early planned landscapes 22: 52,55-7,56 Southend Municipal Hospital see Rochford Hospital Southend-on-Sea
late 18th cent. scheme to develop Prittlewell  (study reviewed)  23: 173
architects in 24: 168, 169n
Kursaal, The,Victorian/art-deco building 28: 199, 207,
Museum, Neolithic axe 21: 140
pipeline to Rochford 29: 210
Prince Avenue/Rochford Road, geophysical survey 28: 213 St Erkenwald's Church 29: 246
Sewage Treatment Works 28:200
Thorpe Bay Junior and Infants School, 20th cent. structures 28: 186
see also Fox Hall; Leigh-on-Sea; Prittlewell; Shoeburyness;
Southey Green, Broak's Wood see Sible Hedingham
Southminster, Sewerage Scheme 26: 255
SouthminsterWaterworks,Asheldham  Camp 22: 14
Southwold Bay, Battle of (1672) 25: 178, 179; 26: 200
late Bronze Age

Essex Society for Archaeology and History

Boreham 22: 139; 25: 12;30: 19
Vange 29: 1, 7,8-9, 15-16
Iron Age, Orsett 'Cock' 30: 274 Anglo-Saxon
Braxted, Little 23: 126-8, 127, 128
Chesterford area 29: 270,272,273
not precisely dated, Broomfield, St Mary's Church 30: 250, 251
Speenhamlandjudgement(1795)27:233-4 Spencer, Richard, Temple Mills lease 22: 117 Sperling, Charles F. D. (historian) 24: 157 Spilmans Mill, Stratford 22: 116, 117 spindle whorls
poss. late Iron Age
Broomfield, Windmill Field 26: 20, 22
Grays Thurrock, William Edwards School 29: 30, 31
Burstead, Little 22: 150
Sampford, Great, Shillingstone Field 29: 36
Anglo-Saxon, Chadwell St Mary, County Primary School28:208;29:48,50,54,57
medieval, Waltham Abbey, Church Street 24: 106, 107 not precisely dated, Bradwell-on-Sea, Othona Community
site 25:68 chalk
Maldon, Victoria Road 28: 183-4, 184
Stebbingford 27: 116, 153, 154
Waltham Abbey, Church Street 24: 106, 107
stone, medieval, Thaxted 23: 123, 125, 126 Spitaltields see  under  London Springfield
early Saxon? supporting-arm brooch 21: 144, 146; 29: 184
medieval ditches 23: 45
post-medieval, French leaden textile seal21: 154
A 12 Interchange, Boreham/Springfield 24: 211, 212-13;
25: 11, 24, 25, 251-2; 30: 1-43 (inc. illustr.)
fieldwalking survey 30: 1-3,3-5
prehistoric flintwork from 30: 16-17, 17, 37
prehistoric pottery from 30: 5-6, 10, 12-16, 13, 15,21
Bronze Age features 24: 211, 214; 30: 1, 3, 5-12 (inc.
illustr.), 19-22, 20, 29
poss. shrine 30: 1, 5-6, 1Q-11, 21
Saxon features 25: 17, 26
medieval features 24: 211, 215; 27: 175, 176, 177; 28:
109-10; 30: 3, 5, 7, 22-41 (inc. illustr.)
medieval pottery 28: 11Q-11; 30: 3, 5, 27,29-37 (inc.
illustr.), 41
mise. finds 30: 18, 19,37-8,37
All Saints' Church 26: 218
Chelmer Village East, prehistoric to Roman features 28:
Ind 1
prehistoric to medieval features 29: 203
post-medieval features 30: 212,215
Sheepcotes Cottages
Roman-British features 29: 203
medieval farming poss. evidence 29: 195, 203
farmhouse, late medieval features 30: 7, 41
medieval features 30: 23 White Hart Lane
Beaulieu Park, prehistoric features 29: 203
(east of), prehistoric features 28: 214; 29: 194, 203


IndexforVolumes 21-30

Springfield (cont.)
White Hart public house, Beaker burial 30: 6
not precisely dated, ring ditch 25: 236, 237
Springfield Cursus 30: 1 Springfield Lyons
Neolithic causewayed enclosure 22: 148, 157; 23: 108; 25:
226;27:305;30: 1,6
late Bronze Age 26: 33; 30: 7, 19, 22
circular enclosure 25: 3, 9-12, 11; 26: 14, 20, 22
Saxon cemetery 21: 146; 25: 264; 29: 273; 30: 23
late Saxon/early medieval hall complex 28: 109, 110
medieval period 26: 63
structures 23: 42, 45
Sproughton (Suffolk), early prehistoric long blade industry 25:253
Spurgin, Elizabeth (d 1896), Broomfield, St Mary's Church 30: 251
Spurgin, George Cannons (d 1928), Broomfield, St Mary's Church 30: 251
stake-and-wattle construction, Colchester,  Osborne Street 25: 48, 57
Stambridge, early planned landscape 22: 55, 57 Stambridge,   Great
19th cent. tithe commutation maps 25: 222 Pipe Line, mise. post-medieval features 25: 252
Stampe, Henry, master, Gild ofSt Helen, Colchester (15th cent.) 21: 104
Stampe, Thomas, Colchester clerk (15th cent.) 24: 129, 130, 131
stamps on pottery
Brightlingsea, Moverons Farm 27: 316
on mortaria, Braintree, George Yard, Bank Site 24: 39,
on sarnian
Boreham, Bull's Lodge Farm 24: 8
Braintree, Sandpit Road/Braintree Youth Club 24:
Coggeshall, 'The Lawns' 26: 93
Heybridge, Langford Road 28: 26, 34-5 medieval
Colchester, Angel Yard 27: 72,73
Maldon, Carmelite Friary 30: 55
Rayleigh High Road ware 21: 95-6, 101 Stane Street see roads  (Roman)
Stanford Rivers
Littlebury Hall26: 279-85, 281-3
medieval kitchen 28: 115, 116
Littlebury Mill, Ongar sewerage scheme pipeline 23: 132, 133
manor 26: 279
Sewage Works 23: 131,132
see also Ongar; Stapleford Tawney Stanford-le-Hope
Hassenbrook Hall21: 50
Henry Wye of (Protestant martyr) 26: 198
Severn Trent Water (STW) Water Pipeline 26: 255 Stanstead Abbots (Herts), medieval manor 21: 49 StanstedAirport  21:  135-7,135, 136; 24:202
Bury Lodge Lane 21: 136-7, 136
Car Park 'I', Bronze and Iron Age site 22: 148,158, 159; 25:44
Duckend Farm 25: 44; 27: 175, 176, 177; 30: 41
fieldwalking survey 25: 14, 15, 16, 18, 19
Hotel Site 21: 137


Lee Valley sites 21: 137
Pantile Farm 25: 19, 26
Roundwood 21: 137; 25: 18, 19, 20; 30:39-41,40
medieval pottery and buildings 25: 19, 20; 27: 175, 176,
177; 28: 110
Social Club 21: 135-7, 136; 22: 159; 25:44
see also Molehill Green Stansted  Hall,  Halstead
Abchilds Lodge 30: 190
agriculture during French wars 27: 228
Bourchier manor 26: 145-6, 150, 151, 154
moated site 30: 190, 193 Stansted-le-Hope
Butts Lane 24: 209
St Clere's Hall, watching brief 24: 209
Stanstede, John (d 1383), Colchester town clerk 24: 127-8 Stanway
prehistoric stone shafthole adze 21: 141 Iron Age
enclosures 22: 159; 26: 231,233
oppidum 21: 135 medieval period
in Domesday 25: 75, 76
royal manor 22: 68; 24: 127
Abbotstone, prehistoric and Roman features 29: 203; 30:
Anglian Water pipeline to Messing 24: 209 Church Lane
Iron Age features 23: 108; 24: 218
droveway/trackway  23:  108; 24: 214-18, 216-17
sub-rectangular  enclosure 24: 214-18,216-17 Colchester Zoo, Neolithic and Roman finds 28: 222 Maldon Road 24: 209
New Farm Road 30: 226
parish of 25: 73 Stanway Hall Farm
late Iron Age/Roman
enclosures and mortuary chambers 23: 108; 24: 195;
'warrior burial' 24: 205-7, 206; 26: 231,233
see also Colchester (Gosbecks)
Stanway, Little, St Albright's Church 30: 20 1
Stapleford, WW2 airfield 30: 202
StaplefordAbbotts  29:  147
manor house of and body of St Edmund 24: 157 Middle Bronze Age palstave 27: 305-7,308
Stapleford Tawney/Stanford Rivers, Roman metalwork 26:269-70,269
Staplehurst (Kent), Kent Cottage, jetties 24: 121 Star (Somerset), Roman villa 27:33
Starling's Green, Clavering, moat 22: 143
statues, metal, Roman, Thaxted 23: 124
Statute of Labourers, and Lionel de Bradenham 22: 67, 68 Staunton, Anfrid de, Alresford manor 29: 246
medieval manors
manorial descents 30: 144-53
Coulonces Fee 30: 146, 147, 152
Hatfield Peverel, honour of 30: 146, 147, 148
Hawk Serjeancy 30: 147, 152
Parmenter Fee 30: 148
Porters Hall28: 131; 30: 146, 148, 149-50, 151, 152
Priors (Friars Hall), the Rectory manor 28: 131; 30: 146,
150-1, 152
Stebbing Fee 30: 147-8, 151



Stebbing, medieval manors (cont.)
Stebbing Hall (later Stebbing Park) 28: 130; 30: 146,
Church of St Mary the Virgin 25: 251
vestry into chapel28: 117-32 (inc. illustr.) Mount30: 146
Parsonage Farmhouse, Church End, medieval kitchen 28: 113, 114
Stebbing Brook 27: 102, 106, 108, 173
Stebbing family 30: 146, 147-8
Stebbing Green, middle/late Iron Age enclosure 23: 95,
Stebbing Hall (later Stebbing Park) 28: 130; 30: 146,
medieval farm and landscape 23: 99-100; 25: 249; 27:
102-81 (inc. illustr.); 28: 110, 111; 29: 115;
prehistoric features 27: 108, 109, 110, 112, 126, 156, 167,
Mesolithic 27: 102, 108, 159, 160
late Neolithic/early Bronze Age 25: 249; 27: 108
palaeochannel27: 108, 109, 156-60, 157, 161
Roman features 25: 249; 27: 106, 109, 110, 112, 126-7,
medieval features
Building A 27: 110, 112, 114, 121, 169, 171, 177
Building B 27: 112, 115, 116, 121, 123, 171, 177
Building C 27: 116, 117, 118, 121, 171, 173, 177
Building D 27: 112, 121, 122-3, 171, 173, 177
poss. cellar beneath 27: 121, 171
cartographic/documentary sources 27: 106, 108
Domesday settlement (Horstedafort) 25: 249; 27: 106,
field-system 27: 110-12, 111, 121, 126, 169, 171, 173
horticultural area 27: 118, 119, 121, 123-6, 124, 160,
post-medieval features 27: 106, 110, 125, 126, 130, 142,
148-9, 168, 173
see also cess-pits; plant remains; pottery; rubbish-pits Steeple see Mayland; Mayland Creek
Steeple   Bumpstead medieval manors 29: 240
Little Waltons Farmhouse (Upper House) 29: 240, 241
Moyns Park 28: 256
St Mary's Church 28: 256 Stenning, D. F.
'Early domestic cross-wings' 24: 118-21
'Medieval kitchens in Essex' 28: 113-16
'The Red Lion, Colchester' 25: 134-59
et al.
'More Maldon Wealdens. The Origins and Development of the King's Head, Maldon High Street' 27: 214-25
'New House Farm and Hungry Hall, Cressing. The
disintegration of the Cressing Temple estate or
the Great Rebuilding?' 28: 156-64
Stephen, King 22: 25, 101; 25: 113; 27: 1;28: 142, 144; 29:
156, 165; 30:266
as Stephen ofBlois 28: 142
Stevens, Bishop Thomas (d 1920) 24: 150
Stevens, Henry, visit to Colchester 23: 80 Stifford, William Palin's histories 26: 195-9, 197
Stifford Clays 28: 101
early planned landscape 22: 54

Essex Society for Archaeology and History

Stifford County Primary School, Parker Road see Grays Thurrock
stirrups, copper alloy, late Saxon,Vange 29: 283, 284
Church of All Saints, 18th/19th cent. tombs 23: 94-5 Gowers Farm Malthouse 27: 256
landscape history 26: 133-7 (inc. illustr.)
Reservoir 29: 191,212
Stisted Hall estate, 'model' village 29: 212 Stock
Roman artefacts 26: 223-4
moulded copper alloy lion head 26: 224 Church of All Saints, belfry 29: 98, 285, 286, 287 Crondon Park
fieldwalking survey 25: 15, 16, 18
late Iron Age/Roman features 24: 200-1
post-medieval features 24: 201
Pottery House, 19th cent. well and kiln 24: 192-3
see also kilns, pottery stock   enclosures
late Bronze Age, Broomfield, Windmill Field (poss.) 26: 22-3
Roman period, Stansted Airport, Bury Lodge Lane (poss.) 21: 137
?poss. (not precisely dated)
Harwich, George Street 21: 63
Stanway, Church Lane 24: 218
stock management  see animal husbandry
Stokes, Elizabeth  (nee Shadrack) 29: 148, 152, 153 Stokes, Richard, and Ongar Academy 29: 145-54 Stokes family 29: 145, 147-8, 152-3
Stokesay Castle (Salop) 24: 124 Stondon Massey
Church of SS Peter and Paul24: 228-31, 229, 230; 27: 289
apse 24: 229,230-1
aumbry 24: 228, 229, 230, 231
belfry 28: 252
stone altar 24: 228, 229, 230, 231
Hallsford Bridge Industrial Estate, prehistoric artefacts 23: 102
stone, building see architectural stonework; Caen stone;
ferricrete; Kentish ragstone; Portland stone;
Purbeck marble; Reigate stone stone, burnt, burnt stone mounds 25: 17 Stone family of Great Bromley 26: 290 stone  objects
Palaeolithic, Purfleet,Armour Road/North Road 29: 201 late Iron Age/Roman, Dunmow, Great, Buildings Farm 28:
Braintree, George Yard 24: 50, 51
Takeley (poss. Roman or later) 22: 139-40, 140
Thaxted (nr Bardfield, Little) 23: 125
medieval, Newport, White House, High Street 22: 141-2,
post-medieval Benfleet, North
Church of All Saints font bowl 27: 297
ledger stones 27: 297
Langford, vessel 25: 232-3, 233 not precisely dated
Grays Thurrock, William Edwards School 29: 30-1, 31
Harwich, Bathside Battery 25: 217
Southend, Fox Hall 26: 36


Index for Vblumes 21-30

stone objects, not precisely dated (cont.)
Stebbingford 27: 153, 154
Terling Church, stone ledger 27: 302-3
see also architectural stonework; coffins, stone; millstones; mortars (grinders); querns; sculpture and incised stone; shafthole implements; spindle whorls; tombs/tombstones; whetstones
Stonea (Cambs), Roman building (principia?) 22: 152; 24:
Stort, River 22: 154-5; 27: 253, 257; 28: 181; 30: 225
Stort Navigation 26: 236; 27: 257
Stort valley 22: 162
Stour, Great, River 21:6,7
Stour, River 25: 228; 28: 188; 29: 186
Alfred's victory over the Vikings 27: 94 at Harwich 25: 196, 198
Stour estuary 27: 250-1; 28: 190
duck decoy ponds 29: 186
fish-traps  (kiddles)/weirs 27: 251; 29: 281
see also Holbrook Bay
Stour valley
funerary monuments 29: 187, 188
prehistoric ring ditches 30: 200-1
Stow,West (Suffolk), Saxon sunken-featured buildings 29: 57 Stow   Maries
WWl aerodrome 29: 190, 300
Flambirds Farm 29: 213
Stowe (Bucks), Grenville family seat 25: 187, 189 Strangford Lough, Co. Down 29:281
High Street, Nos 14-18, post-medieval factory construction 26: 246
mills at 22: 115, 116, 117, 118, 119
Salway Road Cinema site 28: 214
West Ham Lane (No. 128)/Arthington Road, medieval features 28: 214
Stratford Langthorne, Abbey 21: 138; 23: 109; 26: 252,
255;29: 103,104
Stratford Market
Bronze Age to Iron Age features 24: 202 Iron Age/Roman burial 23: 109; 24: 202
Roman features 26: 252
Saxon and medieval features 26: 252
later cemetery 26: 252
18th cent. dwelling 26: 255
see also Stratford Langthorne Abbey
straw plaiting, and the French wars 27: 230-1, 233, 235
Street, G. E. 27: 297
Church font 29: 97
medieval growth 29: 116 Strood, the see Mersea Island structures,   excavated
prehistoric (general)
Heybridge, Langford Road 26: 250; 28: 16, 17, 18,21
Rainham, Brookway Allotments 24: 205
Writtle, Birch Spring, Highwood 27: 11
Neolithic, Chigborough Farm, Goldhanger 21: 131 Bronze Age
Bargeroosterveld (Netherlands) 30: 11, 21 Boreham, Great Holts Farm, round house 25: 247 Broads Green 30: 11, 21
Broomfield, Windmill Field, round house etc 23: 102; 25: 10; 26: 3, 6-8, 7, 22
Fairlop Quarry (poss.) 30: 221

structures, excavated

Leyton, Oliver Close Estate 25: 251
Shoebury, North 27: 338
Springfield/Boreham, A12 Interchange 25: 252; 30: 1,
5--6, 9-12, 9, 11,21-2
Stansted Airport, Bury Lodge Lane (poss.) 21: 137
Totham, Great, Howells Farm 22: 154
late Bronze Age, Totham, Great, Lofts Farm 30: 21 late Bronze Age/early Iron Age
Stansted Airport Social Club 21: 135
Upminster, Hunts Hill Farm, round houses 22: 159; 24:207;25:252;26:251;27:270;28:    101,
early Iron Age, Southend, Fox Hall 26: 25-7, 29-31, 38
Iron Age
Asheldham Camp, poss. granary 22: 13, 24, 25, 34 Birchanger, Woodside Industrial Park, round houses 24:
Boar's Head, round house gullies 24: 61
Fountain, the, round house gullies 24: 61
Dunmow, Great, Buildings Farm 25: 249; 28:47,50-2,
Heybridge, Langford Road 25: 242; 28: 16, 17, 19,21 Hornchurch, Maybank Avenue, round house 24: 205;
25:250;28: 101
Orsett 'Cock' 30: 274-5
Rainham, Moor Hall Farm 28: 101
Rivenhall Airfield, round houses 23: 101
Shoebury, North, round house (prob.) 27: 338; 28: 1 Stansted Airport
Car Park '1', structures with round house 22: 148,
Round Wood, round houses 21: 137
Stanway Hall Farm, mortuary chambers 23: 108 Totham, Great
Howells Farm, round house 22: 148, 154
Slough House Farm, round houses 21: 126, 132
Uphall Camp, round houses 21: 126, 133; 26: 61
Waltham, Little 28: 17, 50, 52, 54
late Iron Age/Roman
Aveley, Ship Lane, round houses 27: 263 Birchanger, Woodside Industrial Park 25: 34
Colchester, Kirkee McMunn barracks 26: 253; 29:
260-9 (inc. illustr.)
Dunmow, Great, Buildings Farm, round houses 25: 19 Harlow, Potter Street, Old House 23: 106
Orsett 'Cock' 30: 274-5 Roman
Alresford Lodge, corridor building 29: 246
Baldock (Herts) 28: 62,63
Birch, NE of Palmer's Farm 30: 212 Boreham
Airfield 25: 241
Bull's Lodge Quarry 22: 149, 151-2, 151; 24: 1-21,
2-7; 25: 19, 21; 26: 264-9,266
Great Holts Farm 25: 241, 247; 26: 247, 248
Braintree 24: 22, 25, 66
College Road (poss.) 28: 207
Grenville Road, No. 7: poss. aisled building 29: 196
Rayne Road 24: 63
Cars (France), rural sanctuary site 26: 265, 266
Chelmsford, Grove Road, mansio 24: 197; 29: 197 Chesterford, Great
Carmel Street Close 26: 253-4
Newmarket Road 28:219


structures, excavated

structures, excavated, Roman (cont.)
'The Lawns' 26: 82, 84, 100
timber building 26: 82, 84, 101 Colchester
Angel Yard 27: 35, 37-42, 39
Balkerne Gardens, Freda Gunton Lodge 26: 243 Balkerne Hill St Mary's Hospital 29: 197, 198
Balkerne Lane 23: 37
Balkerne Passage/Gate, Mercury Theatre 28: 209; 29:
East  Stockwell  Street 22:  152; 23: 25-33,25-31
Gosbecks 30: 216
Romano-Celtic temple 21: 125; 26: 261, 262; 28:
205, 220-1, 227
Kirkee and McMunn Barracks 26: 253
Lexden 30: 217 Long Wyre Street
pre-Boudiccan bath-building 23: 120-3, 121
Boudiccan and Roman structures 29: 198; 30: 218
residual Saxon material30: 210, 218 North Hill
No. 21 26: 243
Sixth Form College 29: 209
North Station Road 30: 213,224
Northgate Street 26: 253; 29: 209
Osborne Street 25: 46-8, 47-8
Queen Street Bus Station 22: 152-3
St Botolph's Priory Church, late Roman building 23: 103
StJohn's Street 22: 153; 23: 25
St Peters House, St Peters Street, waterfront 30: 213 Victoria Chase area 30: 213
Colchester Castle, Temple of Claudius podium 23: 99, 103
Combe Down (Avon), poss. Roman principia 24: 20; 26:
Cressing Temple, Dovehouse Field 30: 218
Dunmow, Great 28: 62-3, 89, 90 Elsenham, Tye Green 27:271 Fairlop Quarry 30: 221
Fishbourne (Sussex), Roman palace 23: 121; 26: 264
Grand (France), Roman structure 26: 265, 266 Hallingbury, Little, South House Farm 22: 155 Harlow
Gilden Way 22: 154-5
Old House 26: 249
Hatfield Peverel, Sandford Quarry 26: 244; 27: 13-21 (inc. illustr.)
Hemel Hempstead  (Herts),Wood Lane End, rural sanctuary 26: 266
Henham, Reservoir 21: 144
Herculaneum (Italy), early hall26: 264 Heybridge
Elms Farm 26: 250
Langford Road 26: 250; 28: 16, 21, 23, 24, 27,29
Ivy Chimneys, poss. temple site 26: 267; 27: 20
Kelvedon 28: 62
Orchard Road, Lawn House 28: 211
Langford 25: 236, 237
Lechlade (Glos), Roughground Farm, apsed building 24:20;26:264-5,266
Mucking 27: 20
Nettleton (Wilts), shrine site 26: 266,267
Sampford, Great, Shillingstone Field 29: 33, 36, 40,47

Essex Society for Archaeology and History

Sible Hedingham 24: 195, 205
Silchester (Hants), church 26: 265, 266
Stansted Airport, Bury Lodge Lane (poss.) 21: 137 Stanway, Abbotstone 30: 216
Stonea (Cambs) 22: 152; 24: 20; 26: 264
Trier (Germany), Constantinian Aula Palatina (hall) 24: 19;26:264
Uphall Camp, llford 21: 133
Upminster, Hunts Hill Farm 22: 159
Verulam Hills Field, Verularnium  (Herts) 26: 266, 267
Vervoz (Belgium) 26: 265, 266
Wanborough (Surrey), Green Lane 24: 20; 26: 265, 266,
Wendens Ambo 27: 20
Witham, Maltings Lane (poss.) 28: 214
Writtle (poss.) 27: 3
see also bath-houses; hypocausts; mansiones; villas Anglo-Saxon
Asheldham, St Lawrence's Church 21: 146, 149
Barking,Amberley House 22: 150
Bradwell-on-Sea, Othona Community Site 23: 99, 100
Chingford, Hospital 25: 242
HarlowTemple 21: 133
Heybridge, Crescent Road 28: 12,29
Shoebury, North, Middle Pastures (poss.) 23: 111 Springfield Lyons 28: 109, 110
Upminster, Hunts Hill Farm 26: 252
see also fishing weirs/fish-traps; sunken-featured buildings; Waltham Abbey
early medieval, Boreham, Buxted Chicken Factory (poss.) 28:106,108,109-10
Barking, Amberley House 22: 150
Barking Abbey 23: 110; 24: 208; 26: 241 Boreham
Airfield 27: 271; 28: 206, 216; 30: 222
Great Holts 27: 175, 176, 177
see also Springfield/Boreham A12 Interchange  below
Brentwood, Brook Street (medieval hospital) 21: 151-4,
Baddow Road 22: 152; 23: 103
Moulsham Street 21: 128
New Street 21: 128
Chignall St James 28: 110
see also Roxwell quarry below Chingford,  Hospital25:  242 Chipping  Ongar
Bansons Lane 26: 242
Pleasance car park 30: 157-61, 175 Colchester
Angel Yard 27: 42, 44-8, 59-62, 60
High Street (No. 147,Jacklins) 29: 205
Hythe Hill (Eastern Approaches Road) 25: 242 Osborne Street Car Park 21: 129; 25: 46,48-9, 49-50
CressingTemple 24: 204-5, 204; 27: 268
Chapel28: 206, 217, 218
Dunmow, Great, Church End 26: 243 Harlow, Old
Market Street
poss. shop/residence (13th/14th cent.) 22: 103-4,
poss. stall (13th cent.) 22: 101, 103, 112
Hatfield Priory 26: 254
Heybridge Hall30: 212,220


Index for J.Vlumes 21-30

structures, excavated, medieval (cont.)
Horndon-on-the-Hill, High Road corner/Mill Lane 28: 206,210-11,220
Leyton, Old Leyton Baths 25: 250-1 Maldon
High Street, No. 39, ?'Moot Hall'/'D'ArcyTower' complex 23: 107
see also Carmelite Friary, Maldon Pentlow Hall22: 176-80, 176-7 Pleshey
Back Lane, Hill House (former St Mary's Church) 28:184-5,227
'The Gardens' 28: 286
Pleshey Castle 30: 266 Rainham
Brookway Allotments 24: 205
Dovers Corner 26: 254
Romford, Collier Row 30: 212,215
Roxwell quarry, Chignall23: 42-5, 43, 49-50; 27: 175,
Saffron Walden, Nos 33-35 High Street 29: 127
Southchurch Hall, stone bridge 22: 156
Springfield Lyons 23: 42, 45
Springfield/Boreham A 12 Interchange site 24: 211, 215;
25:25,252;27:175,176,  177;28: 109-10;30:
Stansted Airport
Duckend Farm 27: 175, 176, 177
Molehill Green 27: 175, 176, 177; 28: 110
Roundwood 25: 19, 20; 27: 175, 176, 177; 28: 110
Stebbingford see Stebbingford Sturmer barrow 29: 296
Thaxted, Town Street, No. 23 27: 329-32,331-6,334
Upminster, Hunts Hill Farm 26: 252 Waltham Abbey/Waltham  Holy Cross
Cornmill 30: 221
Vicarage Garden 26: 252
Weeley, Gutteridge Hall 25: 248
WickenBonhunt27: 175,177
Woodford Green, Harts Hospital23: 110 Writtle
King John's Hunting Lodge 23: 110; 24: 122-4, 123,
Parish Church of All Saints 26: 227
Yeldham, Great, Old Post Office Cottages, detached kitchen 26: 174-91 (inc. illustr.)
Barking, West Bank/Highbridge Road, Formula 1 Hotel 27:263
Chipping Ongar, Pleasance Car Park 27: 267; 30: 161-2,
Hythe Hill26: 249; 27: 267
Osborne Street 25: 46,49-52, 51-5
St Botolph Street 29: 209
CressingTemple 23: 103 Harwich
Church Street 21: 57-9, 58, 64, 64-6, 67, 68, 69, 89,
King's Head Street/Market Street 21: 71-2
Hatfield Peverel, Priory 21: 132
Maldon see Carmelite Friary, Maldon
Saffron Walden, Nos 33-35 High Street 29: 122, 125,
127-9, 127, 130, 134
Stratford Langthorne Abbey 26: 252

structures, excavated

Tilty Abbey 23: 152-7, 153-7
Waltham Abbey, Longpool 29: 207
Woodford Green, Broomhill Road 23: 111-12
see also Waltham Abbey; Woodham Waiter (Hall) post-medieval  (general)
Barking, Eastbury Square, Eastbury House 26: 253 Billericay, Western Road 26: 253
Chipping Ongar, Pleasance car park 30: 154, 162-4, 176 Coggeshall
King's Acre, The Mill House 29: 185 King's Mill, West Street 24: 192
'The Lawns' 26: 86, 87, 89
Angel Yard 27: 46, 49-59, 61, 62, 63
Hythe Hill (Nos 117-9 & 124-5) 29: 198
North Station Road 30: 213
Osborne Street 25: 52-7, 56-7, 58
CressingTemple 28: 218
Foulness Island, Great Burwood 30: 230
Harwich, Kings Quay Street 30: 225
Hatfield Broad Oak, Buryfields, Cage End 28: 210 llford, Aldborough Hatch Chapel 30: 225 Kelvedon, Durwards Hall30: 214
Maldon see Carmelite Friary, Maldon
Newport, Paragon Cafe 26:254
Pleshey, Moat Cottage, poss. bakehouse 30: 268, 272
Stratford, High Street 26: 246
Tilbury Fort 21: 138
Tolleshunt D'Arcy 30: 216
Waltham Abbey/Waltham Holy Cross, Royal Ordnance Works 26: 246
Boreham, Bull's Lodge Farm, causeway/dam 22: 144 Chelmsford, Moulsham Hall28: 206, 208
Colchester, North Hill29: 209
Hatfield Broad Oak, Cock Public House 26: 254 Weeley, Gutteridge Hall (poss.) 25: 248
16th-17th cent.
Boxted, Boxted  Cross Public House 22: 144-5 Coggeshall, West Street 23: 159-61, 160
Colchester, Osborne Street 21: 129; 25: 46
Stratford Market 26: 252 17th cent.
Audley End, brewhouse yard 26: 228
Colchester, Brinkley Grove, Highwoods (poss. fort) 30: 212,217
Harlow, Old, Market Street 22: 105-6, 113
Harlowbury, water mill22: 149, 155
Hempstead, Church of St Andrew, Harvey vault 26: 226
Woodford Green, Harts Hospital, country house 23: 110 17th/18th cent.
Brentwood, Thorndon Country Park 27: 263
CressingTemple 27: 267
'Greate House' 29: 205
and chapel 22: 153 18th cent.
Audley End House 26: 255
BarlingWindmill23: 161-5,162-4
Chelmsford, Moulsham Hall 28: 208
Ham, West, Three Mills, Miller's House 24: 207-8 Leyton
Leyton Green Road, Livingstone College Tower 26: 244-5
Old Leyton Baths 25: 250


structures, excavated

structures, excavated, 18th cent. (cont.)
Plaistow, Greengate Street, house and market garden 26: 252-3
Stratford Market 26: 255
see also Copped Hall
18th/19th cent.
Coggeshall, West Street 23: 160, 161
Leyton, Thorne Close 25: 251; 28: 300-1, 302,304
Saffron Walden, Nos 33-35 High Street 29: 122,
Weald, South,Weald Hall27: 272 Witham, Mill Lane 26: 246
19th cent. Braintree
George Yard 24: 25, 28, 29
Rayne Road, cellar 24: 25
Sandpit Road, cellar 24: 29
Brentwood, London Road, brick silt trap(?) 23: 94 Chipping Ongar, ?outside toilet 24: 189
Colchester, Osborne Street 25: 51-2
CressingTemple 25:249
Halstead, Rosemary Lane, Co-op Yard 28: 210 Harwich
Bathside Battery 22: 153; 23: 104-5, 104; 25: 193-218
(inc. illustr.) 'Battery Cottage' 25: 193
Beacon Hill29: 195, 211-12
George Street 21: 59
Ongar Park, Cold Harbour 25:245 19th/20th cent.
Boreham, Buxted Chicken Factory, poss. barn 25: 246 Copped Hall 30: 216
Leyton, Langthorne Hospital27: 265; 28: 212
Rainham, Dovers Corner 26: 254
Writtle, Hyland House, the walled kitchen garden 28: 215 20th cent.
Audley End, WW2 anti-tank blocks 26:256,257 Colchester, Osborne Street 25: 52
Hornchurch, Maybank Avenue, pillbox 24: 205
Mersea, East, artillery site 25: 256
Mersea Island, decoy bunker 25: 256
Tilbury, East, Bowater's Farm, Buckland, WW2 AA battery 26: 255-6
Tilbury, West, spigot mortar pits 26: 256
Waltham Abbey/Waltham  Holy Cross, Royal Ordnance Works defences 25: 256-7
Walthamstow, barrage balloon shed (recorded) 24: 201
not precisely  dated
Barking, St Margaret's Church 22: 150 Benfleet, North, North Benfleet Hall27: 296 Blackwater estuary
Collins Creek 27: 255
Mayland Creek 26: 228, 229
off Bradwell-on-Sea and Mersea Island, timber structures (kiddles) 24: 193-4
St Lawrence Bay, timber structures 26: 228, 229
Boreham, Buxted Chicken Factory 25: 246 Chesterford, Great
Ickleton Road 21: 13
Rose Lane, Park Cottages 23: 105 Chrishall
Chiswick Hall30: 213
Northern Link Main 30: 217
Clavering, Moat Farm (Coldhams Double-Moated site)

Essex Society for Archaeology and History

Dagenham, Wood Lane, Merry Fiddlers 24: 198 Harwich
Church Street, No. 4 26: 226
George Street 21: 59, 61,63
Heybridge, Elms Farm 25: 250
Leyton, Buckingham Road 28: 212
Maldon, High Street, Moot Hall (rear) 28: 135 Ongar Radio site 25: 245-6
Rainham, Football Ground (former) 28: 96-7, 97, 98,
Roydon, Nether Hall, gatehouse 22: 156
SaffronWalden,No. 19 (rear) 22:142,143,144
Sheering 21: 119
Stanway Hall Farm 29: 207
Stratford Market Place, ?Abbey 23: 109 Tilbury, West, WestTilbury Hall27: 272 Waltham Abbey, Veresmead 29: 214
see also bath-houses; causeways; cess-pits; culverts; defensive works; dovecotes; fish-traps; fishing weirs; forts; garderobes; gate-houses; granaries; ice-houses; kitchens; malthouses; mills; ovens; sunken-featured buildings; Waltham Abbey; wells
Strutt, Benjamin, Colchester  commissioner  of Enclosure Act 27: 241, 242, 243
Strutt, Joseph, and Maldon 'earthwork' 23: 20, 21; 28: 139
Strutt, The Hon. Charles 23: 88
Strype, John (d 1737), historian and vicar ofLeyton 24: 161, 163
Stubbing family, Boblow House 28: 240
Stubbs, Bishop William (historian) 26: 199-200; 29: 157
Studd, Pamela, historian 26: 199 Stukeley, William (d 1765)
Audley End 27: 273
Bentley, poss. Druid site 24: 188-9
Stumps Cross, late Bronze Age hoard 26: 259, 260
cropmark enclosure 22: 145
Bronze Age barrow 29: 294, 295, 296
Iron Age features 27: 269; 29: 293, 295, 297
late Iron Age/Roman features 27: 265; 29: 295, 296
medieval features 27: 269; 29: 293-7
medieval trades and crafts 29: 119-20
A604 Haverhill Bypass 27: 265, 269; 29: 294
see also Wixoe (Suffolk) Stutton  (Suffolk)  22: 61
Suckling, Alfred, Memorials of Essex (1845) 26: 196 
Sudbury, J., jun.  ofHalstead  (builder)  24: 177 
Sudbury  (Suffolk)
14th cent. Dominican friars of22: 72,73 Friars Street
'Priors Gate' 25: 150
Richardsons shop, architectural features 24: 120
Knight,}. as MP (1722-33) 25: 186
Suffolk, dukes of see Brandon, Charles Suffolk, earls of see Howard, Thomas
Sulyard, John, Colchester town clerk (15th cent.) 24: 130 sunken-featured  buildings   (grubenhiiuser)
Braintree (poss.) 24: 63
Chadwell St Mary, County Primary School 28: 207-8; 29:
48-58 (inc. illustr.)
Dunmow, Great (poss.) 21: 124, 125
Crescent Road 28: 12,29
Elms Farm 25: 250; 26: 250

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