
Tuesday, 29 September 2015

BATA Heritage Centre Open Day, Wednesday 14 October 2015

The Essex Society has received news of the Bata Heritage Centre Open Day which may interest members of the Essex Industrial Archaeology Group. 
Mike Tarbard writes: "I am writing to let you know that our next Open Day will be on Wednesday 14 October at East Tilbury library.   Details of how to find the library are on our website (http://www.batamemories.org.uk/MAIN/ENG/00-EN-Pages/18-Contact.html).  Our opening hours for this event will be from 11.00am to 2.00pm and then from 4.00pm to 7.00pm.   I do hope that many of you will be able to come along to one or both of these sessions and catch up with 'old friends' and see what we are doing to try and continue to raise the profile of the Bata name and this organisation.   We are expecting a small number of the Year 6 children from East Tilbury Primary School to come and visit during the morning session.   We are also expecting a small group of students from the Bartlett School of Architecture (connected with University College in London).
"We held the Special General Meeting in August and agreed to change our name to the Bata Heritage Centre.  We intend using this Open Day to officially launch and announce this change.
"The new email address of brrcatbatamemories [at] hotmail.com seems to be working well.   In addition Paul Addington, our Treasurer, is working on a new website.  This will take a while before we can launch it." 

Best wishes

Mike Tarbard

Chairman - Bata Heritage Centre (formerly The Bata Reminiscence & Resource Centre)"

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