{Part 4}
{Transcribed for the internet
from the Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society (now the Essex Society
for Archaeology and History), ‘New Series’ Volume 13 Part 3 (1913).}
THE church goods of Essex have
received considerable attention in the Society's Transactions. The late Mr. H.
W. King's transcripts of inventories of confiscated church goods were printed
in vols. iv. and v. (o.s.) and in vols. i., ii., and iii. (n.s.). Mr. R. C.
Fowler and Mr. W. C. Waller printed some further inventories in vols. x. and
xi. respectively. These all referred to goods taken into the king's hands in
1552, and in some cases the goods previously sold are also named.
The following transcript (the
Essex part only of S.P.D. Edw. VI., vol. v., no. 59) refers to the goods which
the churchwardens and parishioners had sold by 1548.
CHYGWELL. Roberte Woode,
Laurence Mundis, Churchewardens Doo saye That they haue sold certayne
candlestyckes of latten belonging to the said churche for whiche they have
receaued the Somme of xviijs. whiche Somme they say ys employed upon the
reparacions of the same churche.
{CHIGWELL. Robert Wood,
Laurence Munds, Churchwardens do say that they have sold certain candlesticks
of brass belonging to the said church for which they have received the sum of
18s. which sum they say is employed upon the reparations of the same church.}
ESSEX. 161
WARELEY MAGNA. Robert Marrowe,
parson, Rychard Nelson, Churchwarden and Rychard brighte Doo say that they with
the advyse of the parryshe there hath sold so manny latten Candelstyckis of the
saide churche as came to the Somme of xxixs. ijd. which Somme remayneth holle
in the saide churchewardens handes as they say.
{GREAT WARLEY. Robert Marrowe, parson, Richard Nelson,
Churchwarden and Richard Bright do say that they with the advice of the parish
there have sold do many brass candlesticks of the said church as came to the
sum of 29s.2d. which sum remains wholly in the said churchwardens hands as they
CRYXYTHE [?Creeksea]. Thomas
Geldr, Robert Daye, Churchwardens doo presente That they for the reparacions of
the Churche did sell a Chalyce of sylver for the Somme of iiijli., which was
bestowed upon the same reparacions. They doo also present and saye That one
John Bridge deceased gaue an house and an peece of land conteyning by
estimaclon iiij. Acres to the churche for the mayntenaunce of an obyte, And a
yerelie distribucion to the poore which house and lande one hugh Bridge sonne
and heyer to the said John hath solde to one Stephen Tedyner for viijli. which
Somme he the same hughe doothe employe to his own use.
{CREEKSEA. Thomas Gelder,
Robert Daye, Churchwardens do present that they for the reparations of the
church did sell a chalice of silver for the sum of £4, which they bestowed upon
the same reparations. They do also present and say that one John Bridge
deceased gave a house and a piece of land containing by estimation 4 acres to
the church for the maintenance of prayers, and a yearly distribution to the
poor which house and land one Hugh Bridge son and hier to the said John has
sold to one Stephen Tedyner for £8 which sum he the same High do employ for his
own use.}
BADOWE MAGNA. Rychard hyckes,
Lawrence Spylman, Churchwardens there doo saye That Roberte Kinge, James
Drylande, John Postill, and Robert Sturgeon, parryshenours there did sell their
parcells of plate folowinge; a Chalyce all gylte wayeng xix. vunces dimidium at
iiijs. vjd. the unce … Summa iiijli. vijs. ixd.
Item, A shyppe of sylver
parcell gylte and a lytle spoone wayenge vj. vunces dimidium at iiijs. ijd. the
vunce, two silver sawcers parcell gylte wayenge vj vnces dimidium at iiijs.
ijd. the vnce, ij. Cruettis parcell gylte wayenge x. vnces at iiijs. ijd. the
vnce … … Summa xvijli. xvjs. vid.[? xiijli. vjs. 4d.]
All whiche money they saye ys
bestowed vpon the reparacions of the churche allso sold fyfite pounds of latten
ijd. the libra. Summa viiijs. iiijd. with as moche latten as came to vs. iiijd.
{GREAT BADDOW. Richard Hyckes, Lawrence Spylman
Churchwardens there do say that Robert King, James Drylande, John Postill, and
Robert Sturgeon, parishioners there did sell their parcels of plate following:
a chalice all gilded weighing 19½ ounces at 4s.6d. per ounce … Sum £4.7s.9d.
Item, A shippe of silver
partly gilded and a little spoon weighing 6½ ounces at 4s.2d. the ounce, two
silver saucers partly gilded weighing 6½ ounces at 4s.2d. the ounce, 2 cruetts
partly gilded weighing 10 ounces at 4s.2d. an ounce … Sum £17.16s.6d [?
All which money they say is
bestowed upon the reparations of rhe church also sold fifty pounds of brass 2d
the pound. Sum 9s.4d with as much brass as come to 5s.4d.}
LEES MAGNA. John England,
George Osborne, Churchwardens Doo presente That James Spylman and John Danyell
dyd sell vj. torches for iiijs. vjd. whiche was employed to the poore mens
{GREAT LEIGHS. John England, George Osborne, churchwardens
do present that James Spylman and John Daniell dis sell 6 torches for 4s.6d.
which was employed to the poor mens box.}
CHELMESFORDE. Geffrey Skotte,
William Nooke, Churchwardens Do presente That they and Roger Platte,
paryshenour, solde as much mettall as they receaued xlviijs. vjd. with as many
olde towels as came to viijd. whiche money they haue with more spente in
wasshing the churche with lyme and wryting of scripture abowte the churche with
taking downe of ymagis.
{CHELMSFORD. Geoffrey Skotte,
William Nooke, Churchwardens do present that they and Roger Platt, parishioner,
sold as much metal as they received 48s.6d. with as many old towels as came to
8d. which money they have with more money spent in washing the church with lime
and writing of scripture about the church with taking down the images.}
WODEHAM FFERRYES. Robert Styleman,
Rychard Newton, Churchwardens, doo presente That abowte three yeres agoo John
Sandis, gentleman, and William pirrs beinge Churchwardens dyd sell a broken
bell for the somme of xvli. Also a Chalyce of sylver with a paxe of sylver for
the Somme of vli. whiche money the say was employed vpon the makinge of a newe
fframe in the steple for the bells and for shingling ot the churche.
{WOODHAM FERRERS. Robert Styleman, Richard Newton,
Churchwardens, do present that about three years ago John Sands, gentleman, and
William Pirrs being Churchwardens did sell a broken bell for the sum of £15.
Also a chalice of silver with a paxe of silver for the sum £5 which money they
say was employed upon the making of a new Frame in the steeple for the bells
and for shingling out the church.}
DANBURY. Thomas Gunry, Rychard
Roolf, Churchwardens doo saye That they haue solde a payre of sensers of Sylver
and gylte, a crysmatorie, and a paxe ol sylver for the Somme of xli. xd. which
Somme they say the [sic] employed to thuse of the churche.
{DANBURY. Thomas Gunry, Richard Roolf, Churchwardens do
say that they have sold a pair of sensers of silver and gilded, a chrismatory,
and a paxe of silver for the sum of £10.10d. which sum they say they employed
to the use of the church.}
BRADWELL. Thomas Butler,
William Page, Churchwardens doo presente that they haue solde as moche olde
baggage in theyre churche as came to xs. viijd. which Somme doothe remayne in
the comen boxe.
{BRADWELL-JUXTA-COGGESHALL. Thomas Butler, William Page, Churchwardens do
present that they have sold as much old baggage)
in their church as came to 10s.8d. which sum do remain in the common box.}
NORTON. John Whytinge
Churchwarden there doo say That he solde as myche allablaster as came to xxd.
which money ys yet in his kepinge.
Whiting Churchwarden do say that he sold as much alabaster as came to 20d which
money is yet in his keeping.}
STOWE MARYS. John Latcheler,
John Gryggis, Churchwardens do say That they haue solde a bell to thuse of the
churche for whiche they receaued vi. markes iiijs. viijd., and as moche latten
as came to xvd.
{STOW MARIES. John Latchelor,
John Griggs, Churchwardens do say that they have sold a bell to the use of the
church for which they received 6 marks 4s.8d., and as much brass as came to
Collett, John George, Churchwardens there doo presente That in January last
paste they to repayre the churche did pledge a Chalyce for vjli. xs. iiijd.
{ST PETERS, MALDON. Richard Collett, John George, Churchwardens
there do present that in January last past they to repair the church did pledge
a chalice for £6.10s.4d.}
William Dawson, Churchwardens doo say That they sold to repayre the church one
unce of brooken sylver for iiijs.
{MARGARETTING. Robert Taber,
William Dawson, Churchwardens do saythat they sold to repair the church one
ounce of broken silver for 4s.}
[HASLEI]ghe[?] William Wayleman, Thomas Chrustell,
Churchwardens doo presente That they haue solde all the ymages in the churche
for xxd which was gyven to poore people.
{HAZELEIGH. William Wayleman,
Thomas Chrustell, Churchwardens do present that they have sold all the images
in the church for 20d which was given to the poor people.}
Churchwarden dothe presente and saye That James Osborne of the same parryshe
hathe sold as moche of the Juells and ornamentis of the churche there as he
receaued xs. [for], and the same money hathe still in his keapinge.
Draper, Churchwarden doth present and say that James Osborne of the same parish
has sold as much of the jewels and ornaments of the church there as he received
10s for, and the same money hath still in his keeping.}