
Friday, 15 May 2015

'Medieval Lawyer: Clement Spice of Essex' by Christopher Starr: Essex Society for Archaeology and History. Occasional Paper 'New Series' No. 2

Just published

‘Medieval Lawyer: Clement Spice of Essex’ by Christopher Starr is the second Occasional Paper in the ‘New Series’ of publications by the Essex Society for Archaeology and History.  Members of the Society will have received their copy gratis through the post recently.  The book is now publicly available direct from the author, Mr. C. Starr, 10 Kings Meadow, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 0HP.  The price is £12.50 plus £2.50 p&p to the UK address.  Please make cheque payable to the ‘Essex Society for Archaeology and History’ sending your delivery address. 

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