
Sunday, 2 February 2014

Embezzled Church Goods of Essex (8): Transactions n.s. Volume 13 Part 3


{Part 8}
{Transcribed for the internet from the Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society (now the Essex Society for Archaeology and History), ‘New Series’ Volume 13 Part 3 (1913).}

THE church goods of Essex have received considerable attention in the Society's Transactions. The late Mr. H. W. King's transcripts of inventories of confiscated church goods were printed in vols. iv. and v. (o.s.) and in vols. i., ii., and iii. (n.s.). Mr. R. C. Fowler and Mr. W. C. Waller printed some further inventories in vols. x. and xi. respectively. These all referred to goods taken into the king's hands in 1552, and in some cases the goods previously sold are also named.

The following transcript (the Essex part only of S.P.D. Edw. VI., vol. v., no. 59) refers to the goods which the churchwardens and parishioners had sold by 1548.


ST, JAMES IN COLCHESTER. John Lucas, Robert Pytte, Churchewardens doo saye That they haue solde of the said churches goodes two copper Crosses, a paxe of Copper, a senser of copper, and a pyxe of Copper, all whyche were sold for iiijs. ixd. Also as moche waxe as came to xis. And as moche latten as came to xvjs.. and they say they haue bestowed the same moneye in glasinge, whyte-lyminge, and paynting the same churche.

{ST JAMES, COLCHESTER. John Lucas, Robert Pitt, Churchwardens do say that they have sold off the said church goods two copper Crosses, a pax of Copper, a senser of copper, and a pyx of copper, all which were sold for 4s.9d. Also as much wax as came to 11s. Also as much brass as came to 16s. and they say they have bestowed the same money in glazing, white liming, and painting the same church.}


HORKYNSBURY MAGNA [?Great Horkesley]. John Noothe, Reynold Melne, Churchwardens doo saye that they haue sold as moche of the churche plate there as they hadde receauede for the same xlviijs. which somme still remayneth in theyre handes.

{GREAT HORKESLEY. John Noothe, Reynold Melne, churchwardens do say that they have sold as much of the church plate there as they had received for the same 42s. which sum still remains in their hands.}

ST. LEONARDIS IN COLCHESTER. John Cooke, Robert Lamberte, Churchwardens doo presente and saye that they have solde of the goodes of the said churche iij. old Coopes, certayne latten, and certayn old cloothes for the Somme of iijli. vijs. viijd.

{ST LEONARD’S, COLCHESTER. John Cooke, Robert Lamberte, churchwardens do present and say that they have sold off the goods of the said church 3 old Copes, certain brass, and certain old clothes for the sum of £3.7s.8d.}

ST. RUMBALDIS IN COLCHESTER. Nycholas Wylbore, Robert Buxton, churchwardens doo presente That Robert Myddleton and Thomas Symell parryshenours there hath solde as moche of the church plate as they receaued xijli. for. And they the same churchwardens with the consent of the parryshe hathe solde as moche brasse belonging to the same churche as they receaued vxjs. for. Of which Sommes they saye they paid vli vjs. viijd. for tharreragies which the parson there dyd leaue the said churche in to the King's majestie. And vjli. vjs. viijd for a payre of organs. And the resydue of the saide money also leyed and bestowed in and abowte the reparacions of the saide churche.

{ST RUNWALD’S, COLCHESTER. Nicholas Wylbore, Robert Buxton, churchwardens do present that Robert Middleton and Thomas Simell parishioners there hath sold as much of the church plate as they received £12 for. And they the same churchwardens with the consent of the parish have sold as much brass belonging to the same church as they received 21s for. Of which sum they say they paid £6.6s.8d for the arrangements which the parson there did leave the said church in to the King’s majesty.  And £6.6s.8d. for a pair of organs. And the residue of the said money also laid and bestowed in and about the reparations of the said church.}

MYCHE BROMLEY. The Churchewardens there doo presente and saye That John munte and John Littleburye parryshenours there dyd sell a Crosse of sylver, a senser, and a Chalyce of sylver for the Somme of xxli., whereof there ys speente and layede oute for the amendinge of highwayes viijli. And the resydue remayneth in the churche boxe for the relief of the poore people of the same parryshe. And the same Churchewardens doo also say That they with the consent of certayne of the parryshe hath gyven to poore people of the same parryshe xxxti. yardes of lynnen cloothe which hanged before the Tabernacles in the same churche.

{GREAT BROMLEY. The churchwardens there do present and say that John Munte and John Littlebury parishioners there did sell a Cross of silver, a senser, and a Chalice of silver for the Sum of £21, whereof there is spent and laid out for the amending of the highway £8. And the residue remains with the church box for the relief of the poor people of the same parish. And the same churchwardens do say that they with the consent of certain of the parish have given to the poor people of the same parish 30 yards of linen cloth which hung before the Tabernacles in the same church.}

FFORDHAM. William Swanne, John Cockrell, Churchewardens doo say That they haue solde as moche brasse and latten belonginge to the saide Churche as they receaued xijs. for. And of the same Somme they haue bestowed to the churche use vijs. vjd.

{FORDHAM. William Swan, John Cockerell, Churchwardens do say that they have sold as much brass and copper(?) belonging to the said church as they received 12s. for. And of the same Sum they have bestowed to the church use 7s.6d.}

ESTEDONYLAND. John Dorrell, Rychard hampkyn, Churchewardens doo presente That they with the consent of thole parryshe hathe solde the ornamentes belonginge to the same churche hereafter ensuing vedelicet two candlestvckis of latten, 1 Crosse of copper and iij. small handebells for the Somme of xvs. iiijd., whereof they haue bestowed in necessarye reparacions doon in the same churche vjs. viijd. And the rest remayneth in thandes of the said churchewardens.

{EAST DONYLAND. John Dorrell, Richard Hampkyn, Churchwardens do present that they with the consent of the whole parish have sold the ornaments belonging to the same church hereafter ensuing viz: two candlesticks of brass, 1 Cross of copper and 3 small handbells for the sum of 15s.4d. whereof they have bestowed in necessary reparations done in the same church 6s.4d.. And the rest remains in the hands of the said churchwardens.}

MYSELEY. Thomas Polley, John Aung[e]r, Churchwardens doe say that they about Saincte dionise day last past haue solde thees parcells of theire churche plate ensuing videlicet; a paxe of sylver, ij. Cruettis of sylver, a sylver spoon wayenge xv. vunces dimidium at iiijs. iiijd. the vunce, Summa xlvs. iiijd., whereof ys bestowed upon the reparacions of the churche xxxs. iiijd. And the reste remayneth in thandes of the saide churchewardens.

{MISTLEY. Thomas Polley, John Aunger, Churchwardens do say that they about Saint Denis day ;ast past have sold these parcels of their church plate ensuing viz: a paxe of silver, 2 cruetts of silver, a silver spoon weighing 15½ ounces at 4s.4d. the ounce, Sum 45s.4d., whereof is bestowed upon the reparations of the church 30s.4d. And the rest remains in the hands of the said churchwardens.}

MAUNTREE. Henry Warinynham, John Browne, Churchwardens doo presente and saye That they with the consent of the parryshe hathe solde ij. stand[a]rdis of brasse, a latten basyn, and an handbell for ixs. vijd. obolus, whereof they say they have layede owte and bestowed upon lyme vjs. viijd.. The reste remayneth in theyre handes.

{MANNINGTREE. Henry Warningham, John Browne, Churchwardens do present and say that they with the consent of the parish have sold 2 standards of brass, a brass basin, and a handbell for 9s.7d. obolus(?) whereof they say they have laid out and bestowed upon lime 6s.8d.  The rest remains in their hands.}

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