
Sunday, 20 January 2019

Essex Society for Archaeology and History. Programme for 2019

Programme of Visits 2019

Saturday 9th  March 2.00pm
Morant Lecture:  John Miners talk about The Textiles in East Anglia, to be hosted by the Halstead and District Local History Society, at Queens Hall Halstead. CO9 2BY Cost £5.00 pp,

Wednesday 24th April 10.30am
East Anglian Railway Museum. Cost £5.00pp
Chappel Station Colchester CO6 2DS

Saturday 18th May 2pm
Burnham Museum Tour and Talk. Cost £5.00pp
Burnham on Sea CM0 8AH
Talk on Local History and Fossils at Creeksea

Saturday 8th June 2pm
AGM at Little Maplestead Church followed by a talk about the Church and refreshments. CO9 2SL

Saturday 20th July 10.30
Tour of Marks Hall Estate. Cost £5.00pp Min of 10 people.
Coggeshall Road Colchester CO6 1JG

Wednesday 21st August 10.30
Tour of W H Collier Brick and Tile Works. Cost £5.00pp
Church Lane Marks Tey CO6 1LN

Saturday 14th September 10.00am
Pilot Tour of Stow Maries airfield. Cost £12.00pp including refreshments. Hackmans Lane Purleigh Nr Maldon. CM3 6RN

Sunday 20th October 12.30pm for 1pm
Morant Lunch: Top Meadows Golf Club Fen Lane North Ockendon.
Cost £25.00 pp. Bookings by 20th September please. RM14 3PR

Saturday 2nd   November 10am-4.30pm
History & Archaeology Symposiums: Venue Christ Church URC Chelmsford. CM2 0AW Costs £10.00pp including buffet lunch and refreshments.

 Saturday 9th November 2pm
 EIAG Annual Meeting at Chelmsford Museum, followed by a talk by Jim Lewis .Non-members £2.00pp. CM2 9AQ

Further details of all events and availability are available from the Excursions Secretary.  All events to be booked via the Excursion Secretary at least 10 days prior to the event. Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope for each event, for maps and other instructions if you do not want these by email.  Cheques should be made payable to the Essex Society for Archaeology and History. If there are any transport issues in attending these events, please contact the Programme Secretary.

The visits on the Society's programme are open to members and associate members only.  The Society can accept no liability for loss or injury sustained by members attending any of its programmed events.