Now issued four times a year, members of the Essex Society for Archaeology and History will have received their copy of the Newsletter (NL182) a fortnight ago which includes details of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting to be held at Silver End Village Hall on Saturday 17 June at 2pm.
This edition includes:
- From the President
- Historic Pubs Come Under Planning Protection
- Lost Landscapes: Reconstructing Medieval Essex, 19 March 2017. A report of the Conference held at Essex Record Office
- 800th Anniversary of the Charter of the Forest 1217
- Nelson and the Vicar of Southminster - the Rev. Alexander John Scott
- William Dugard, Schoolmaster of Colchester 1637 -1642/3
- The Ongar Theatre in 1790
- Alderford Mill, Sible Hedingham
- Gustav Holst, Conrad Noel and the Whitsun Festivals (Part 2)
- Bulmer Brick and Tile Works
- The Society grants £1000 to Roman Circus House
- Events in Essex
-- Royal Gunpowder Mills
-- Battle of Assandun Dig
- Essex Seen From Elsewhere
-- Train Returns to National Railway Museum, York
- Callout to Volunteers
-- Industrial Heritage Fair, 7 October 2017
-- Ex Congress
- Readers' Letters
-- Stondon Massey Rectory
-- Henry Fitzroy Burial
- Notices
-- Colin Richard Kirwan, 1924-2016
-- Beryl Board F.R.Hist.S.
-- Olive Grace Earnshaw, 1942-2017
- Book Reviews
-- Library Policy
-- A Dictionary of Suffolk Place-Names, by K Briggs and K Kilpatrick. English Place-name Society Popular Series Vol. 6. Suffolk Archaeology & History Society. 214 pages £14
-- Medieval Graffiti. The Lost Voices of England's Churches, by Matthew Champion. Ebury Press. 2015. 253 pages. £14.99